Saturday, May 9, 2020

Abundant Life - IV Sunday of Easter

What does being a Christian have to do with TODAY?
Many people think of Christianity as a religion about tomorrow.
About when people die and the Hope for Heaven.

Many people therefore do not understand or realize how Christianity helps them day to day.

Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Jn. 10:10
Not just in Heaven but here and now!

Who couldn’t use a little more Peace.
Jesus offers Peace that the world cannot give. Jn. 14:27
The world is always trying to tell us what we are lacking.
Advertisements tell us we don’t have enough or the latest.

Politicians tell us they can make our life better but never do.
Jesus however tells us not to worry or to be anxious.
For if God can feed the birds of the air and clothe the lilies of the field,
How much more will He feed and clothe us!

Who is not afraid?
As children, We start off afraid of the dark
And then we trade our childhood fears for grown up ones.

When the disciples were fearful of drowning,
Jesus came to them on the water

And told them not to be afraid; Mt. 8:26
For if He can calm the wind and the waves,
He can save us from any storm.

Who does not want to be loved?
Yet how fleeting love is.
How fragile relationships are.
But Jesus however has proven His love,
For there is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends. Jn. 15:13

People need to forgive others and they need to forgive themselves.
Nothing enslaves us more than past hurts.
From unresolved issues from our childhood,
To broken marriages, and broken friendships

No one however knows how to Forgive like Jesus!
Who as He was hanging on the cross prayed,
“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”Lk. 23:34
He can show even the most hardened and broken heart how to forgive.

We all want our life to have meaning;
A purpose that makes life worthwhile;
That gives us a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

The rat race of this world does not do it.
Neither does the accumulation of wealth or possessions or power or prestige.
It all eventually becomes absurd.

When we become weary and find life burdensome,
Jesus says, “Come to Me!”
“And I will refresh you”Mt. 11:30
With a fullness of joy that no one can take from you! Jn. 16:22
No person, no loss, no suffering not even death.

And this is just the short list!
Of Jesus does for us here and now.

Abundant life is what Jesus offers each one of us here and now,

God Bless

Friday, May 8, 2020

Why Doesn’t God Do Something?

As we sit in our homes isolated, worried about catching the Virus and wondering when it will be safe to come out again,
some people are wondering why God doesn’t do something? If that is not a “slippery slope” question nothing is!

Everyone wants God to do something. The problem is ultimately we can’t agree on what we want God to do!
We would probably all agree that we would like God to make the COVID 19 Virus to go away.
Is that all we want God to do?.
Probably not.

Most people have a long list of things they want God to do, such as cure cancer, diabetes, MS, ALS, MD, and every other disease. We would probably all agree on these too.
And once God has cured all of this will that be enough? Probably not.

Most people would like God to fix all natural disasters such as Hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. And once God has fixed all of this will that be enough?
Probably not.
What about Starvation, Corruption, Crime, Terrorism, Poverty, Racism and Sexism, Human Trafficking and Drugs? And if we agree on all of these things, just exactly “HOW” should God “do something” about it?

If one is a Democrat, why doesn’t God “do something “ about Trump. And if one is a Republican why doesn’t God “do something “ about Pelosi?

Now it is beginning to really get complicated. What about adultery, abortion, pedophilia, pornography and sexual promiscuity?

Should God “do something about that?” What about the neighbor we don’t like?
Or the family member who is causing all of the problems.
What about the drunk driver? Should God intervene?
The list is literally endless!

Most people cannot agree on many of these issues, so “What is God to do?”

Every Time something happens that we don’t agree with or we think is unjust or unfair we blame God for not “doing something “ and want God to jump and fix it ,

yet other times we don’t want God to get involved because it might limit our personal freedom and desires and agenda.

It would all be solved if Jesus came back today, but do we REALLY want that?

For those whose life is going reasonably well or have vacation plans after the virus, they probably would prefer for Jesus to wait, even though it would fix EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY!

How should God intervene or get involved AND WHEN?

These are the mysteries of Life and Eternity that are greater than our minds can understand and on which we cannot agree.

My Faith however tells me that God IS doing something everyday.

What we do know is that EVERYTHING works out for the good for those who Love God.

Maybe if we spent more time LOVING God and less time telling God what He should be doing, things will turn out for the good, a little sooner!

God Bless