The Second Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary is the Scourging of Jesus.
In ancient Rome crucifixion was almost always preceded by scourging which tore the flesh and opened wounds making the sight of the person being crucified all the more dreadful.
Pilate was torn between his fascination with Jesus and his need to follow the crowd.
So he had Jesus scourged, hoping that when the people saw his wounds and His suffering they would ask for Barabbas instead,
And he could let Jesus go.
So The hands that healed;
That fed 5,000;
Were tied to a pillar.
He offered His back to those who beat Him.
His cheeks to those who plucked His beard.
His face to their spit. Is. 50
And when the crowd saw Him it did not touch their hearts all.
When we stop and think about the scourging of Jesus
Does it touch our hearts?
When we see the suffering of others
Does it touch our hearts?
The sight of Jesus scourged at the pillar motivated
Saint after saint to mortify themselves with fasting and bodily penance.
John the Baptist wore camel’s hair and ate locusts and honey.
St. Francis would Fast for months at a time.
Thomas More wore a hair shirt.
Every saint mortified their bodies.
Like them does the sight of Jesus being scourged inspire us to mortify our bodies?
To forgo bodily pleasures,
For spiritual ones;
To deny ourselves and take up our cross?
St. Paul says
If you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you you will live. Rom. 8:13.
If an athlete mortifies his body to win the race;
And an actor mortifies her body to play the role;
If people mortify their bodies to get into shape;
How much more should a Christian mortify his or her body
To gain the crown of glory and eternal life.