Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday 12 Week of Ordinary Time


The Sacred Heart of Jesus

woman in white dress holding gold mask
The human heart can be so fickle.
One minute filled with love,
The next with anger.
One minute generous,
The next greedy.

Almost always it is divided
Often desiring things it should not have.

Yet longing for something greater.

So we come to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
For in His Heart
All divisions cease.
And the only longing is love.

A love that sacrifices itself for another.
A love that is unconditional
A love that burns even in the coldest night.

This is why we need to pray,
Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart.
Make my heart like Yours!

Today and everyday.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thursday 12 Week of Ordinary Time


Birth of St. John the Baptist

Free photos of Bruges
Before a child is born,
Parents often have dreams of what their child will be.

Before his birth, The Lord had a dream for John the Baptist.
To be a sharp edged sword; A polished arrow;
To be a light to the nations,
So that salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.

Before we were born,
God had a dream for each one of us.
Like John the Baptist
God has prepared us and given us the gifts necessary.
To fulfill our calling.

We know what John’s calling was,
But do we know what our is,
What our calling is from before we were born?

Have we fulfilled dream that God had for us.
Before we were even conceived?

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wednesday 12th Week of Ordinary Time


By their fruits….Mt. 7:15-20

red apple fruit beside green apple and yellow fruit on brown woven basket
Whenever you meet a person,
The first thing we often ask is,
“What do you do?”

This is because
By their fruits you will know them.
Their job or their hobbies tell a lot about them.

People know us not by what we say,
But by what we do.
Do our actions bear fruit?

Not only do they bear fruit,
But how much fruit?

The world is starving for Peace, Love, Forgiveness; Understanding;
Do our actions bear fruit,
To feed a starving world.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday 12 week of Ordinary Time


Hypocrisy Mt. 7:1-5

There is nothing more blind than hypocrisy.
Hypocrites see everything and everyone except themselves.

Always seeing the splinter in everyone else’s eye and never the wooden beam in their own.

Before we speak
It is always good to take a look in the mirror;
And first say it to ourselves.

Or else we risk being hypocrites
Unable to see ourselves.

Corpus Christi


silhouette of person standing near brown round decor

A poll was taken that showed 69% of all Catholics said they believed the bread and wine used at Mass, is not Jesus,
but instead "symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ."
The other 31% believed in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, known as transubstantiation.

Which are you?

Are you part of the 69% per cent that believe the hosts you receive at Mass is just a “symbol” of the Body and Blood of Jesus?

Or part of the 31% who believe that Jesus is Truly Present in His Actual Body and Blood in the host that you receive at Communion?

Jesus Himself said,
“This is My Body, and this is My Blood.”

Jesus Himself said,
“Whoever eats His flesh and drinks His Blood has eternal life, and He will raise them up on the Last Day.”

If Jesus Himself says it is,
Why should we doubt Him?

If Jesus can turn water into wine,
He can turn wine into His Blood.

While our eyes see one thing,
Our faith sees something else.

Only those who have Faith,
Can see that the host, is NOT bread,
But is truly the Body of Christ,
His very flesh that He gave for the life of the world.

It only outwardly appears as bread,
But in reality it has been changed into the Body and Blood of Christ.

Outwardly we appear to others to be one thing,
But what we really are is what is inside
That only those who know and love us can see.

And only those who know and love Jesus
Can see that it truly is His very Body and Blood that we receive
And NOT a symbol of it.

It takes Real Faith, to believe in the Real Presence
That what we receive at Communion is REALLY the Body and Blood of Christ.

What would you rather receive?
A piece of bread that symbolizes Jesus,
Or His very Body and Blood that will give you Eternal Life and raise you up on the Last Day?

If you want His Flesh to eat and Blood to drink as did the Apostles, and Francis of Assisi, and St. Therese of the Little Flower and Mother Teresa and Padre Pio and every other saint,

Than come to Mass,
Because this is what Jesus has offered since the Last Supper,
And what every saint has received at every Communion.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Friday 11th Week of Ordinary Time


Do Not store up for yourselves Treasures on earth Mt. 6:19

What is in your closet?
What is in your garage?
What is in your bank account?

These are all earthly treasures.
Fun while they last but they all disappear.

It is the treasures of the heart that last forever.
Faith, Hope and Love.
These things endure forever
And the greatest of them is Love.

Are these three things in your heart?

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday 11th Week of Ordinary Time


This is how you are to pray Mt. 6:7-15

man holding his hands on open book
Jesus warns us against “babbling” in our prayers.
Saying the same thing over and over again.

The Lord’s Prayer is not something to recite,
But something to put into practice.

If we do not Hallow our Heavenly Father’s Name;
If we do not strive to do His Will on earth as the angels do it in Heaven;
If we do not forgive those who trespass against us;

Then when we pray the Our Father.
We are just babbling like the pagans!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wednesday 11th Week of Ordinary Time


God sees all. Mt. 6:1-18

sun reflection on calm water near green mountains
We live in an age where nothing is hidden.
Everything is video taped for all to see.
And then posted online!

This is why Jesus says to do things in secret.
Do not video it,
Or post it online
Or even tell your friends.

Pray, Fast and Give Alms quietly.

Our Heavenly Father has already seen it,
And taken note of it,
And will reward us at the proper time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Tuesday 11th Week of Ordinary Time


Love Your Enemies Mt. 5:43

Love scrabble tiles on book page
Jesus taught that we should love our enemies.
He taught this at a time when Israel was a conquered and occupied country.
So it was not an easy teaching;
It had to be put into practice everyday.

We live in a time of political, social and religious division.
There is no better time to put this teaching into practice.
And we too have opportunities everyday to put it into practice.

Love of our enemies,
Is not a suggestion of Jesus,
But a commandment.
To be kept everyday.

Monday, June 13, 2022



St. Anthony of Padua

Francisco de Zurbarán - Sto Antonio de Padua.jpg
St. Anthony of Padua’s prayer to the Blessed Virgin

We beg you Our Lady and our hope,
You who are the star of the sea,
Illumine your children,
Engulfed in the turbulent sea of sin;
Guide us to the safe harbor of forgiveness,
So we may successfully complete the journey of our life
With your protection.
With His help
Whom you carried in your womb
And nourished at your holy breasts.
To Him be honor and glory
Throughout all ages. Amen

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Most Holy Trinity


I like sports and I think many people do too so I am going to use a sports analogy to describe the Holy Trinity

In sports there is the coach.
The coach has a plan;
And he presents it to the team
And if they follow it,
They will win.

And every team has a star
One person around whom the plan is formed.

And in every big game;
There is a fire that cannot be quenched
an enthusiasm that flows over the crowd.
A passion to leave it all on the court or the filed.

This is the Trinity.
God the Father had a plan,
To defeat evil and restore humanity to what it once was.

And His only Begotten Son,
Is the Star;
Around whom the plan is formed.

In every interview Jesus had with the Pharisees
He said that He did not come to do His own Will,
But the Will of the One Who sent Him.

And the Holy Spirt was the Fire that burned within Him,
So that every time Jesus fell,
He got back up;
And finished what He was asked to do.

And that filled the Disciples to go out from behind their locked doors
To conquer the world.

The game however is not over.
The mission is not over.
We are part of the team.
And we each have a role to play in the game of life.

If we do our own will;
If play as individuals;
If we are apathetic about our Faith;
We will lose.

But If we do what the Father asks of us and carry our His Plan;
If rally around Jesus, and follow His lead;
And if we burn with a fire and enthusiasm that nothing can stop us;
The victory will be ours!

And in Heaven we will storm the court;
Tear down the goal posts;
Lift up the palm branches of victory;
And carry Jesus around on our shoulders;
Who led us to victory in the game of life and death;