Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Friday 8th Week of Ordinary Time


“My House shall be called a House of Prayer.” Mk. 11:17

When Jesus entered the Temple He threw out all of the money changers and those who were buying and selling things,
Because His Father’s House was a House of Prayer.

When we go to church
We must “throw out”
All the distractions,
All the things we are planning to do after Mass,
All thoughts and desires that keep us from devoting ourselves to prayer in our Heavenly Father’s House.



The Visitation

When we visit people do we bring good news or bad news?
Do we make their day or ruin it?

Mary went to visit Elizabeth
And she brought Good News.
The Best News!
She was with child.
Not just any child,
The Savior of the world!

Because of Mary’s visit to Elizabeth
We too always have Good News to share when we visit others.
We always have Hope, Peace, Encouragement to share.
Because like Mary, we too have Jesus in our hearts
Through the Eucharist we receive at Mass.

So no matter who we visit;
There is no excuse not to be the bearer of Good Tidings and Joy.

Tuesday 8th Week of Ordinary Time


Giving up for Jesus. MK. 10:28-31

Peter told Jesus that the disciples had given up everything to follow Jesus.
He said this as if what they had given up was something great.
A bunch of fisherman who couldn’t catch fish!

What they had given up was nothing compared to what
The Son of God gave up for us.
Jesus gave up the glory of Heaven for the suffering of the cross.

Next time you think about all you do for Jesus,
Think about all Jesus does for you!

God Bless



The DewFall

It was dry and dusty;
Who knows how many years they had been wandering in the desert.
Was it 10, 20 even 30 years now?
All they knew is that they were hungry.

So they went to Moses who said he was going to lead them to the Land flowing with Milk and Honey.
And asked him for food.
And God promised them “bread from Heaven.”
And in the morning Dew fell and covered the ground;
And when it lifted there was Manna everywhere.
Bread enough for all.

But this bread only filled their stomachs and then went out into the latrine.
There was another Bread coming down from Heaven.
A Bread that will give Life to the entire world.
And those who eat of this Bread will never hunger or thirst again.

But where can we get this Bread?
Only at Mass!
Whenever the priest puts his hands over the gifts of bread and wine,
The Holy Spirit comes down upon them like the DewFall.

The same Dew that covered the ground in the desert and brought Israel Manna from Heaven.
Now comes down upon the bread and wine and when it is lifted the Body and Blood of Christ are Really and Truly present.

The Holy Spirit is the Dew Fall that comes down upon the desert of our lives.

If the Holy Spirit can come down upon Israel and feed them Manna from Heaven.
If the Holy Spirit can come down upon bread and wine and change them into the Body and Blood of Christ.
If the Holy Spirit can come down upon the Virgin Mary and make her the Mother of God;

Imagine what the Holy Spirit can do if He came down upon us.

Pray to God to send the Holy Spirit down,
Upon our lowly bodies;
Upon Our broken hearts;
Upon Our sinful souls;
Upon Our torn and divided world
To come down upon us, Like the DewFall.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Sunday Pentecost : The Gift of Wisdom

Sunday Pentecost : The Gift of Wisdom

Meditation :
Through Wisdom one judges the things of the world in the light of one's ultimate end, union with God rather than judging things in the light of money, power or influence. The gift of wisdom gives one the ability to have insight into people and situations that are not obvious to the average person. It also gives one an understanding of what to do and how to do it. Wisdom gave Solomon the ability to see things and make decisions that ordinary people could not see or make.

What part of my life needs the Gift of Wisdom?
How can Wisdom help me see the world differently?
How does Wisdom enlighten me to God's Wisdom?

V. Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, detach us from earthly things and infuse in us a love and taste of heavenly things.

Closing Prayer :
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother, teach me to be open and responsive to the hidden power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. Following your example, may I always listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking in my heart. As the Holy Spirit formed Christ in you, may He form Christ in me so that I may live by the Spirit and be led by the Spirit in all my actions.

V. Mary, Temple of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
R. Pray for me.

Saturday : Vigil of Pentecost : the Gift of Understanding

Saturday : Vigil of Pentecost : the Gift of Understanding

The Gift of Understanding transcends Knowledge. What is Knowledge without Understanding? A person may know what another is saying, but do they "understand?" The Pharisees had knowledge of the Scriptures and the Prophets but they did not understand what they were reading. The men on the road to Emmaus knew the Scriptures but did not understanding why Jesus had to suffer and die until they were enlightened. The Gift of Understanding enlightens what one knows but does not understand.


What do I know but do not understand?
What Scripture passages do I not understand?
Where do I need understanding in my home, my relationships and my Faith?

V. Come, O Spirit of Understanding, enlighten our minds with the light of your eternal truth and the riches of holy thoughts.

Closing Prayer :
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother, teach me to be open and responsive to the hidden power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. Following your example, may I always listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking in my heart. As the Holy Spirit formed Christ in you, may He form Christ in me so that I may live by the Spirit and be led by the Spirit in all my actions.

V. Mary, Temple of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
R. Pray for me.

Friday : The Gift of Counsel

 Friday : The Gift of Counsel

The Gift of Counsel does not spring from our human intelligence but from God. Even with all of our human knowledge and science and philosophy, Life is still a mystery. Many people have knowledge but make the wrong decisions and take the wrong path. The Holy Spirit through the Gift of Counsel guides and directs a person to choose rightly, most especially in the Ways of God.

How do I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me?
How have I walked my own path?
Do I follow the counsel of the world or of God?

V. Come, O Spirit of Counsel, make us docile
to your inspirations and guide us in the way of salvation.

Closing Prayer :
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother, teach me to be open and responsive to the hidden power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. Following your example, may I always listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking in my heart. As the Holy Spirit formed Christ in you, may He form Christ in me so that I may live by the Spirit and be led by the Spirit in all my actions.

V. Mary, Temple of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
R. Pray for me.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Thursday : The Gift of Knowledge

 Thursday : The Gift of Knowledge

There are things that we learn from books and experience. God however transcends the human mind, therefore we need the Holy Spirit to Gift us with Knowledge so that we can know things as God knows them. Through the Gift of Knowledge, St. Francis of Assisi came to know all of Creation as his Brother and Sister. Through the Gift of Knowledge one is able to look beyond the superficial to the depths of creation, its origins, meaning and purpose.

How much do I know about God?
How do I know Creation as Adam and Eve did?
How do I know Creation As Francis of Assisi did?

V. Come, O Spirit of Knowledge, be the Master of our souls and help us to put into practice Your teachings.

Closing Prayer :
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother, teach me to be open and responsive to the hidden power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. Following your example, may I always listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking in my heart. As the Holy Spirit formed Christ in you, may He form Christ in me so that I may live by the Spirit and be led by the Spirit in all my actions.

V. Mary, Temple of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
R. Pray for me.

Wednesday : The Gift of Piety

 Wednesday : The Gift of Piety

The Gift of Piety instills in the soul a childlike love and trust for God. God is not just an all powerful being, but to the pious, God is a caring and loving Father and we are His children. The Gift of Piety gives one a complete trust and confidence in God. No one better exemplifies the Gift of Piety than St Therese of Lisieux and her Little Way of spiritual childhood, where "God reveals Himself to the childlike."Mt. 11:25

Do I truly see God as a loving Father?
Do I have a childlike trust in God?
How am I childlike in my relationship with God?

V. Come, O Spirit of Piety, come to live in our heart to possess and sanctify all of our affections.

Closing Prayer :
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother, teach me to be open and responsive to the hidden power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. Following your example, may I always listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking in my heart. As the Holy Spirit formed Christ in you, may He form Christ in me so that I may live by the Spirit and be led by the Spirit in all my actions.

V. Mary, Temple of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
R. Pray for me.

Tuesday : The Gift of Fortitude

 Tuesday : The Gift of Fortitude

In the spiritual life there are many difficulties and temptations great and small. There are everyday difficulties that tempt us to think only of ourselves, to be harsh, to lose our temper or to hold onto a hurt. The Gift of Fortitude strengthens us at these times to remain charitable, kind, patient and forgiving. With the Gift of Fortitude we are never overcome, we are never defeated, but can do all things in Christ who Strengthens us by His Spirit.

What are the daily difficulties where I need strength?
What are my weaknesses?
Which Saint best exemplifies the gift of Fortitude for me?

V. Come, O Spirit of Fortitude , and give us strength, constancy and victory in the battle against our spiritual enemies.

Closing Prayer :
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother, teach me to be open and responsive to the hidden power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. Following your example, may I always listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking in my heart. As the Holy Spirit formed Christ in you, may He form Christ in me so that I may live by the Spirit and be led by the Spirit in all my actions.

V. Mary, Temple of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
R. Pray for me.

Monday : The Gift of The Fear of The Lord

 Monday : The Gift of The Fear of The Lord

Fear of The Lord is not a fear of condemnation or damnation, but a "filial" fear. It is the fear of a son or daughter who out of love and devotion "fear" ever offending their mother or father. The Holy Spirit has made us adopted children of God Rm. 8:14-16. As adopted children of God by the Holy Spirit, we are granted the gift of "filial fear" of never wanting to offend or disappoint our Heavenly Father.

What kind of son or daughter of God are we?
How "fearful" are we of offending our Heavenly Father.
How does Fear of The Lord help us to grow in Wisdom?

V. Come, O Spirit of the Fear of the Lord,
reign over our will and make us always disposed to suffer every evil rather than to sin.

Closing Prayer :
Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother, teach me to be open and responsive to the hidden power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. Following your example, may I always listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking in my heart. As the Holy Spirit formed Christ in you, may He form Christ in me so that I may live by the Spirit and be led by the Spirit in all my actions.

V. Mary, Temple of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
R. Pray for me.

Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost

As Pastor I implore every parishoner to pray this Novena to the Holy Spirit so that we will individually experience a Pentecost and our parishes will experience New Life and a New Spirit.

In the words of Pope St. Paul VI :

"What the Church needs is the Holy Spirit in each of us, in all of us together, in us who are the Church."

“The Faithful must cultivate an outstanding devotion to the Spirit as the supreme source of Love, Unity and Peace."

“We must renew our devotion to the Blessed Virgin if we wish to obtain the Holy Spirit and be sincere followers of Jesus Christ."

"It is always in dependence on the Holy Spirit that Mary leads souls to Jesus, forms them in His image, inspires them with good counsel and acts as a living bond of love between Jesus and the faithful."

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Friday 6th Week of Easter


Your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy away! Jn. 16:20-23

Mother Teresa would get up every morning and look out her window at a sea of sick and dying people in the gutters.

How did she not lose heart?

Because she knew her grief would be turned to joy? Jn. 16:20

As she would say,
“Let nothing so fill you with sorrow that you forget the joy of Christ Risen from the dead.”

Through the resurrection, Jesus overcame all suffering, crosses and death.

And one day we will too!
And our hearts will rejoice with a joy that no one can take away fro us. Jn. 16:22

Thursday 6th Week of Easter


Entered into Discussion Acts 18:1-8

Everywhere Paul went he ran into pagans and Jews who disagreed with him.
And what did he do?

He entered into discussions with them!

When we run into people who disagree with us,
Do we “enter in discussion” with them,
Or do we have an argument with them?

Discussions may seem to take longer to get anywhere,
But arguments always lead to nowhere!

Wednesday 6th Week of Easter


Worshipping an Unknown God Acts. 17:22-18:1

When Paul was preaching in Athens he saw how they claimed to be religious
but did not know what they were worshipping.

As they had an altar to an “Unknown God.”

Many people today claim to be religious and believe in God,
But do they really know God?

when you begin to ask them questions
About what they believe
One begins to see they really don’t know God very well.

How well do we know God?
How well do we know Jesus?

Faith is not just going through the motions,
Or showing up for Church.
If it is then we too are praying to an “Unknown God.”

Tuesday 6th Week of Easter


Avoid crowds!

“The crowd in Philippi joined in the attack on Paul.” Acts 16:22

Paul and Silas were attacked by a mob in Phillipi.

Crowds can be dangerous.
They can be worked up into a frenzy
And can become a mob.
As they cried out to crucify Jesus;
And Paul and Silas were attacked in Philippi.

Do not follow the crowd.

Instead Take the road less travelled.
That can make all the difference.

God Bless

6th Sunday of Easter


Give God the Glory

God gets blamed for everything and credit for nothing.

When things go wrong, people like to blame God.
Why didn’t God do something?
Doesn’t He care?
I thought God loved us?

So God gets blamed for many things
When quite often it is our own fault.
What happened was a result of our own choices.

Sometimes the result of our own personal choice.
Sometimes the result of the choices that humanity makes.
That society and government makes.
But we still like to blame God anyway.

And yet when things go right; when we win; when we succeed.
We often take the credit for it.
And don’t give God the glory.

Jesus was different.
All the miracles He performed.
The thousands He fed;
The dead He raised;

Were all to give glory to His Father.
He gave the glory and all of the credit for all He did to His Father.

Do we go through life looking for our own glory?
Thinking we deserve the credit for whatever we do or accomplish.
After all we worked hard, studied hard; we sacrificed much;
Don’t we deserve some credit.

Yet Who sacrificed more than Jesus;
But He did not seek to glorify Himself but rather everything He did was to glorify His Father and give His Father the credit.

He did this because He said everything He had,
Was given to Him by His Father.

What do we have that was not given to us by God?
Our talent, our gifts; our very life and breath
Are all given to us by God.

And when we use all that God has given us,
We too give glory to God.
And God gets the credit that God deserves.

This is why we say at every Mass,
ALL glory and honor are yours O God almighty Father.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Friday 5th Week of Easter


“This is my commandment: love one another as I have love you.” Jn. 15:12-17

Love one another

Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us!

But how did Jesus love us?
With a sacrificial love that laid down His life for us.

Love is not self indulgent.
Love is not the freedom to do whatever one wants.

Love is sacrificial.
Love lays down it life for the other.

People may say they love you.
But until they are willing to lay down their life for you.
They are not true friends.

Thursday 5th Week of Easter


“Why are you putting God to the test by placing on the shoulders of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear?” Acts 15:7-21

Undo burdens.

All the early Christinas were Jews,
So they kept all the Jewish customs such as the Sabbath AND Broke the Bread on Sunday

But then the Gentiles started following Jesus,
And it was decided that they did not have to keep all of the Jewish customs in order to be Christian.
For it was an unnecessary burden.

For “Everyone was saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus.”Acts. 15:11

Do we ever put undo burdens on others to make them prove they are true Christians?
Do ever ever measure another person’s Faith by certain expectations that we have of them?

When Jesus is all we need!

Wednesday 5th Week of Easter


Feast of Fr. Damian of Molokai

Leper’s were isolated for fear that their disease would be contagious.
So many lepers were sent to the island of Molokai in Hawaii
And left for dead.

But Fr. Damian would not leave them for dead,
For they were children of God.

So He went and cared for them and eventually became one of them.

We no longer send lepers to isolated islands anymore.
But still we isolate people who are different from us
by not associating with them or isolating them by our comments and attitudes towards them.
At work, or even in church or at home or community.
People who are different from us politically, or culturally or religiously.

No matter how different someone is from us,

Fr. Damian reminds us that
we should never be afraid to love and associate with those who are different than us.
For they too are children of God.

Tuesday 5th Week of Easter


“The crowds stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city supposing he was dead. “ Acts. 14:19-28

Do not count the cost.

Paul was dragged out the city and was stoned to the point of almost dying.
Rather than walk away;
He got up and went back into the city.

His response was that it was necessary to undergo many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God!

Paul did not count the cost, because what He was going to receive in the Kingdom far outweighed the pittance he had to pay.

For the hardships of this life are as nothing to the rewards of the Kingdom of Heaven.