Monday, December 26, 2022

Jan 7 Saturday


Prayer to Our Lady of the Snows

O Blessed Mary,
In the quiet of winter,
Pray that God might snow His grace down upon upon us;
Gently, quietly and peacefully.

Like a new fallen snow,
May God’s grace cover us;
So that in the Spring
We might bud forth
With new Faith; a greater Hope and a fruitful Love.

Friday Jan 6. A Light for the New Year.

Lead Kindly Light.

Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom,
lead thou me on;
the night is dark, and I am far from home;
lead thou me on.
Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
the distant scene; one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou
shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose and see my path; but now
lead thou me on.
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
pride ruled my will: remember not past years.

So long thy power hath blest me, sure it still
will lead me on,
o'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
the night is gone,
and with the morn those angel faces smile,
which I have loved long since, and lost awhile.

Cardinal John Henry Newman

Thursday Jan 5 St. John Neumann 1811-1860

 Thursday Jan 5 St. John Neumann 1811-1860

“Everyone who breathes, high and low, educated and ignorant, young and old, man and woman, has a mission, has a work. We are not sent into this world for nothing. We are not born at random. God sees every one of us and He creates every soul for a purpose. He has an end for each one of us and as Christ has work, we too have ours. “

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Jan. 4

 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Jan. 4

The accidents of life separate us from our dearest friends, but let us not despair. God is like a looking glass in which souls see each other. The more we are united to Him by love, the nearer we are to those who belong to Him.

If I had to advise parents, I should tell them to take great care about the people with whom their children associate . . . Much harm may result from bad company, and we are inclined by nature to follow what is worse than what is better.

God Bless

The Most Holy Name of Jesus Jan. 3


Call My Name.

You can be in a crowded room and everyone is talking
And you may not be listening or following the conversations
But as soon as someone from across the room
Calls out your name,
Your turn and stop
And look and listen.

Because there is something about hearing one’s name called,
That makes a person stop and listen.

It is the same with Jesus.
When we call out His Name with Love.
He too stops and listens.
And turns His Face towards us.

Monday Jan. 2


I Am the New Year

I am the New Year. I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.
I am your next chance at the art of living.
I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months.
All that you sought and didn't find is hidden in me, waiting for you to search it but with more determination.
All the good that you tried for and didn't achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires.
All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do, all that you hoped but did not will, all the faith that you claimed but did not have-these slumber lightly, waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.
I am your opportunity to renew your Faith in Him who said, "Behold, I make all things new."

It’s a New Year


Only in the Eucharist

It’s a New Year!
Do you want to look back or forward?
It all depends.
Where have you been and where are you going?

On New Year’s Day we straddle the past and the future.
Memories become mixed with dreams.
Tears with Hope.
Laughter with Sighs.

We see the faces of those no longer with us,
And wonder whose face we will see in the year ahead.

We think about the things we did,
And make resolutions to do better.

On New Year’s Day The past, the present and the future all seem to blend into one moment.

In Mass The past, the present and the future all come together in one Heavenly Moment!
For in Heaven the Past, the Present and the Future all come together in one Eternal Now.

At Mass we Remember.
We remember all that Jesus did for us,
His birth, His Death and His Resurrection.
At Mass we remember all our loved ones who are no longer here with us.

At Mass we Give Thanks for what we have Today.
Our life and our loves.

And at Mass we look Forward to that Day,
Where there will be no more mourning or suffering.

Where everyone we love will be gathered around the Table in our Heavenly Father’s house for one Never Ending Thanksgiving Dinner.

Every Mass is a New Year; a New Beginning
We look Back on our lives.
We Give thanks for what we have Today.
And we look Forward to the Supper of the Lamb,
Around Our Heavenly Father’s table with all our family and friends.

Every Mass, is a New Year; a New Beginning
When we look back, give thanks today and get ready for what is to come.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

New Year’s Eve

Only in the Eucharist

It is New Year's Eve!

Do you want to look back or forward?

It all depends. 

Where have you been and where are you going?

On New Year's Eve we straddle the past and the future. 

Memories become mixed with dreams. 

Tears with Hope. 

Laughter with Sighs. 

We see the faces of those no longer with us,

And wonder whose face we will see in the year ahead. 

We think about the things we did,

And make resolutions to do better. 

On New Year’s Eve, The past, the present and the future all seem to blend into one moment. 

In Mass The past, the present and the future all come together in one Heavenly Moment!

For in Heaven the Past, the Present and the Future all come together in one Eternal Now. 

At Mass we Remember.

We remember all that Jesus did for us,

His birth, His Death and His Resurrection. 

At Mass we remember all our loved ones who are no longer here with us. 

At Mass we Give Thanks for what we have Today. 

Our life and our loves. 

And at Mass we look Forward to that Day,

Where there will be no more mourning or suffering. 

Where everyone we love will be gathered around the Table in our Heavenly Father’s house for one Never Ending Thanksgiving Dinner. 

Every Mass is a New Year’s Eve. 

We look Back on our lives. 

We Give thanks for what we have Today. 

And we look Forward to the Supper of the Lamb,

Around Our Heavenly Father’s table with all our family and friends. 

Every Mass, is New Year’s Eve

When we look back, give thanks today and get ready for what is to come. 

Holy Family

Holy Family 

There are many different types of families. 

There is the immediate family

With moms and dads and children.

There is also the parish family,

Made up of  all the Parishoners. 

And There is the Human Family. 

Made up of every race, language and people. 

And For a family to be Holy 

Each member of the Family must play their part. 

So What role do we play in our various families?

In our immediate family?

In our parish family?

In the Human Family?

In our immediate family

Are we loving and supportive?

Do we give and take?

In our Parish Family,

Are we Faithful to coming to Church?

Do we give more to the Church than just when the collection comes around?

In our Human Family,

Are we concerned with those around us?

And that we are all children of God?

Maybe if we started treating all those in our different families

The way Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Treated each other. 

Then maybe our immediate family,

And our parish family

And the human family,

Would become Holy Families. 

Dec. 29. St. Thomas Becket

Thomas was the Archbishop of Canterbury and martyred on this day in 1170 

in the Cathedral in Canterbury England by henchmen from King Henry. 

Who wanted to silence Thomas. 

While We may not have to defend our Faith by shedding our blood;

We may  have to defend the Faith,

Against a society and government that wants us 

to compromise our Faith and 

what we believe and how we practice it. 

For many would prefer us to put our Faith under a bushel basket and never speak of it. 

And so like Thomas Becket sometimes we too must stand up for our Faith. 

For While we may not be martyred for the Faith like Thomas a Becket

We may most certainly experience rejection and ridicule for it. 

Dec. 28 The Holy Innocents

Toyland is a very special place

Filled with magic and wonder and imagination. 

But once you cross its borders you can ne’er return again. 

It is the same with innocence. 

As a child we are innocent. 

And the world is a place of magic and wonder and imagination. 

But one day we wake up and it is all gone.  

Our dreams are replaced with cynicism and all of the other other “isms”

That compete for our attention, our vote and our time. 

Like Herod who killed the Holy Innocents;

The world seeks to kill our Innocence 

And only the Innocence of the Christ child,

Wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger,

Can save us and bring us back to our Innocence. 

And this is why we are drawn to Christmas;

Not only to see a Child lying in a manger;

But hoping to find our Innocence once again.  

Dec. 27. St. John the Evangelist

1 John 1:1-4

What makes Christianity different from all other religions 

Is the Incarnation. 

God becoming flesh. 

Judaism, Islam and Buddhism do not believe this. 

But as Christians we believe that the Son of God became flesh. 

That He has eyes and ears and hands just like us. 

This is why St. John writes about what he has

Heard with his ears

Seen with his eyes

And touched with with hands. 

Because he heard and saw and touched the Son of God. 

How glorious that must have been. 

If only we could do that. 

Well we can. 

Because of the Incarnation 

God has eyes and ears and hands just like us. 

So if God is like us,

Then we are like God. 

This is why God became flesh. 

So that we can hear and see and touch God,

In each other. 

Feast of St. Stephen Dec 26

Being First

Everyone loves being first. 

First in line. 

First to be chosen,

And First to choose. 

Except when it comes to Martyrdom. 

Very few people race to the front of the line to be stoned, crucified, or beheaded. 

But Stephen did.

He is the first martyr. 

The first to die for Christ. 

As he was dragged outside of Jerusalem 

And stoned. 

We may not be called to lay down our lives,

But we can be martyrs of a different kind. 

We can be the first to forgive. 

The first to apologize. 

The first not to gossip. 

The first to lay down the phone or turn off the TV in order to pray. 

These kind of firsts are not always easy. 

But then again Martyrdom never is. 

Christmas : Different things for Different People

Shepherds and wise men, inn keepers and Herod.

Christmas means different things for different people.

For the inn keeper there was no room for Christ.

Joseph and Mary were looking for a place to stay but not only was there no room at the inn, there was no room in the inn keepers heart.

The inn keeper saw that they were not from Bethlehem.

He saw that they had nowhere to stay.

He saw that Mary was with child, but there was no room for compassion or generosity.

He did not want to get involved in the problems and life of another, so he turned them away from his inn and from his heart.

On the first Christmas and every Christmas since and probably this Christmas too, there are still inn keepers in the world who have no room.

No room for Christ.

No room for the homeless.

No room for those in need.

For Herod, the Christ Child was a threat.

A threat to his power, his throne, his tiny little kingdom.

So he tried to kill Jesus, because the Christ child would cast down the mighty from their thrones and lift up the lowly.

He would fill the empty with good things and send the rich away empty.

On that first Christmas and every Christmas since and probably this Christmas too there are still Herods threatened by the Christ Child.

Threatened that they would lose their money.

Threatened that their tiny little kingdom that they have worked so hard to build will all come tumbling down if power, money, and influence were no longer the motivating factor in peoples lives.

For the Shepherds, the Christ child was their hope and fulfillment.

The Shepherds were not only the lower class they were the empty class.

They not only had no power or influence or money, they had no hope for change in their life.

They had no hope that their emptiness would be filled.

So they heard the angels song of praise and good will that a child had been born who would bring them hope.

On that first Christmas and every Christmas since and probably this Christmas too, there are still shepherds who can hear angels sing.

There are still poor and lonely and empty people in the world who look to the Christ Child as their hope and their fulfillment.

For the Wise Men, the Christ Child was the Light and the Truth.

What the Wise Men searched for all of their life was not power and riches but enlightenment and truth, so they followed the star to the Christ Child.

And they gave Him all they had in exchange for His Light and His Truth.

On that Christmas and every Christmas since and probably this Christmas too, there are still Wise Men who search not for power or riches or pleasure or possessions but for Enlightenment and Truth.

What Christmas means for each one of us depends on who we are and what we are looking for.

Christ is here for each one of us.

He knocks on the door of our hearts.

He comes to dwell in our midst.

Angles still announce Him and Stars still point out the way to Him.

And the true meaning of Christmas is still found only in Christ!