Faith and works James 2:14-26
We are not saved by our works or what we do.
We do not earn our way into heaven.
Rather We are saved by faith.
Saved by our Faith in the death and resurrection of Christ.
But how do we know we have Faith?
Just because a person says, “Lord, Lord!”
Does that mean they have Faith?
Faith becomes visible in what we do and say.
Faith welcomes strangers.
Faith feeds the hungry and clothes the naked.
Faith visits those who are sick and in prison. Mt. 25: 31-46
Actions speak louder than words,
And our Faith speaks loudest when we put it into practice
I love Faith, it is Free and helps lead me in service. And when you are next to a person who has zeal and faith, you just can not catch it..ha ha. Like being next to you ..miss you all.