Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday 24th Week of Ordinary time

Andrew Kim and Paul Chong and Companions

The Church in Korea is unique because it was founded by lay people, 

for there were no priests. 

In less than a century, 10,000 laity were martyred for the Faith. 


103 of the Korean martyrs are celebrated today: 

they are mostly lay men and women: 

some married, some not; some old, some young, some even children. 

Today we ask ourselves 

As a Layperson, what have I done for my Parish and the spread of my Faith?

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday 24th Week of Ordinary Time


The Central message 1 Cor. 15:1-11

What is the central message of the Gospel?

If we do not get that right then the rest of the Gospel message will be lost. 

According to St. Paul it is that, Christ died for our sins; Was buried; And raised on the Third Day. 

Therefore we must acknowledge our sins. And that Christ died for them. That He was buried like all of us will be one day. And that He was raised from the dead And we will too if we believe in Him. 

It is a simple message of the reality of sin The inevitability of death. And the Promise of everlasting life. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday 24th Week of Ordinary Time

Some people will never listen Lk. 7:31-35

They played a flute and they did not dance

They sang a dirge and the
y did not weep. 

No matter what Jesus said and did,

Whether He preached fire and brimstone 

Or the Mercy of God. 

Fasted or feasted;

Whether He healed the sick

Or laid down His life.  

There were those would not listen

No matter what He did. 

And we should not be surprised when the same happens to us. 

No matter what we say and do. 

All we can do is stay as Faithful as possible 

So that we will be vindicated when the Time comes. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday 24th Week of Ordinary Time


What Part are we? 1 Cor. 12:12-31

Just as there are many parts in the body

Such as eyes, legs, arms and heart. 

And each part has a role to play. 

As we are one Body in Christ,

So there are many parts in the Body of Christ!

There are teachers and preachers, 

Sacristans and secretaries;

Those who pray and those who do manual labor;

For the Body to be healthy,

Each part has to do its part and work together 

For each part is important in its own way. 

What part do we play we in our parish?

Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday 24th Week of Ordinary Time

Cornelius and Cyprian d.253 A.D.

We may think there is confusion in the church nowadays 

But it is nothing compared to the time of Pope Cornelius and Bishop Cyprian. 

Both of them addressed false teachings in the church. 

Both of them were exiled by the Roman Emperor 

And both of them shed their blood for the Faith. 

It is not easy being a Pope or a Bishop at anytime. 

This is why we pray for them in every Eucharistic Prayer at Mass. 

Because they face challenges that most people do not;

And bear burdens and sufferings that many are not aware of. 

24th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Son of Man must suffer Mk. 8:27-35

When Jesus told His disciples that He would have to Sacrifice Himself,

Peter objected. 

Now at first thought Peter’s objection made a lot of sense. 

Why sacrifice yourself?

Why take up your cross?

It doesn’t make any sense.  

Until one looks at it from this perspective. 

If a child is sick; or hungry or naked

Do not parents sacrifice themselves for the child;

If a platoon is under attack,

Do not soldiers sacrifices themselves for the life of the platoon?

If an athlete wants to win,

Do they not make great physical sacrifices

To win the prize?

Sacrificing ourselves for something that is important or valuable to us is very common and understandable. 

The world was dying;

From war, hatred, greed, division, envy, and the list goes on and on.

But when it comes to saving the world,

What could one person’s sacrifice possibly do?

Nothing if you are merely human. 

But if you are God,


So Jesus Who just revealed to His disciples that He was the Christ told them that He was going to sacrifice Himself for the life of the world. 

He was going to take the sins of the world upon Himself 

And sacrifice Himself to save us. 

He would give His back to those who beat him, 

His cheeks to those who would plucke His beard 

And His face he would not shield from buffets and spitting.

By His wounds we would be healed 

What Jesus was facing was a spiritual battle 

Between good and evil 

Between life and death 

And the cross was the only remedy and means to overcome them. 

And so Jesus knew He had to sacrifice Himself to save us. 

Even though at the time Peter did not understand 

And maybe sometimes we do not either. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time

 Fasting Lk 5:33-39

At weddings there is no fasting only feasting. 

Before every wedding there is a lot to be done. 

Jesus is the Bridegroom and the Church is the Bride. 

On the Last Day, Jesus will come for His Bride

And there will be endless Feasting at the Heavenly Banquet. 

But until that day,

There is much to be done to prepare for the Heavenly Wedding Banquet. 

And one of the best ways to prepare is by fasting. 

Fasting helps us prepare our souls,

By limiting the desires of the flesh. 

So that our souls hunger for the Lord 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thursday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time

They left everything Lk. 5:1-11

The disciples left everything1

Their boats, their nets and their father 

And followed Jesus. 

What do we still hold onto that keeps us from following Jesus?

What possessions?

What attitudes ?

What sins?

If Jesus called us to come and follow Him,

Would we drop everything,

Or would we hesitate?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wednesday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time

Living in the Flesh or the Spirit.  I Cor. 3:1-9

We are made up of flesh and spirit. 

And the question we must ask ourselves is which one leads us?

The Corinthians who were led by the flesh experienced jealously and rivalry and division. 

While those who were led by the Spirit experienced harmony, peace and unity. 

In our dealings with others and their dealings with us,

We can easily determine if the flesh or the spirit,

Is speaking and acting within them or us. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time

The Devil knows. Lk. 4:31-37

Jesus approached a man who had an unclean spirit,

And from the man a demon cried out proclaiming that Jesus was the Holy One of God. 

Why is it that demons seem to know who Jesus is and so many people do not or have their doubts?

Demons have intelligence beyond human beings. 

So they knew that Jesus was the Holy One of God. 

While Human beings walk by Faith. 

We believe that Jesus is the Holy One of God. 

Everyday therefore we must ask God to increase our Faith,

So that too can proclaim Jesus to be the Holy One of God. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. Lk. 4:16-30

There is the Spirit of the Lord and the spirit of the world. 

Which one is upon us. 

If the Spirit of the Lord is upon us we bring glad tidings to the poor. 

We proclaim liberty to captives;

Liberty to those who are imprisoned in loneliness, depression;

Or addictions or sins. 

We give sight to the blind who have lost their way and those who are burdened by life’s demands we help free them. 

Or is the Spirit of the world upon us?

A spirit of anxiety. 

Do we complain to others;

Do we point out the faults of others thus imprisoning them. 

Do we put burdens on other people’s shoulders?

There is a difference between the Spirit of the Lord and the spirit of the world. 

Which one is upon us?