Sunday, September 22, 2024

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Least, Last and Servant of all Mk. 9:30-37

Who likes being last?

Last in line?

Last to be thought of?

Last to be considered ?

Who likes being the Least?

Not appreciated?

Not noticed?

Considered unimportant?

Who likes being the servant. 

Cleaning up after others?

Being told what to do?

Waiting on others?

No one!

And that’s the problem 

No one likes being Last

The Least

Or the Servant

Yet that is exactly what Jesus tells us that we must be. 

For this is what Jesus was. 

The One Who emptied Himself and took the form of a slave. 

The One born in a manger;

Who came not to be served but to serve. 

And wash the feet of others. 

This is what we are called to do and to be as Christians. 

Many Christians are Christian by name

But Only if we are Last, the Least and the Servant of all are we Christian by fact. 

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