Saturday, July 31, 2021

Saturday 18th Week of Ordinary Time


“Know also that you will probably gain more by praying fifteen minutes before the Blessed Sacrament than by all the other spiritual exercises of the day. True, Our Lord hears our prayers anywhere, for He has made the promise, 'Ask, and you shall receive,' but He has revealed to His servants that those who visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament will obtain a more abundant measure of grace.”

St. Alphonse Liguori

Friday 18th Week of Ordinary Time

 Stay close to the Church

St. Padre Pio once said. 

“Always remain close to the Catholic Church, because it alone can give you true peace, since it alone possesses Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the true Prince of Peace.”

Only in the Catholic Church can one receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in Communion and adore Him in His Body and Blood in the Most Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. 

When one stays close to the Church therefore one stays close to Jesus!

Thursday 18th Week of Ordinary Time

Really Present in the Real Presence. 

How many of us would like to see Jesus?

To see His face. 

To hold His hand

To touch His garments;

St. John Chrysostom reminds us that. 

We do see His face. 

We do hold His hand;

For in the Eucharist 

We see and touch and receive 

The very Body and Blood of Christ. 

He becomes present to us. 

Really present in His Real Presence in the Eucharist. 

Wednesday 18th Week of Ordinary Time

 Become What you Receive. 

St. Augustine said, “become what you receive.”

What do we receive at Communion?

We receive the actual Body and Blood of Christ. 

So if we receive Christ,

Then we must become Christ. 

We must become His hands;

His feet; His Heart;

His love and compassion and Forgiveness. 

For others and for the world. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tuesday 18th Week of Ordinary Time

Recognize Him Who died for us in the Eucharist. 

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St. Augustine said. 

“Recognize in this bread what hung on the cross, 

and in this chalice what flowed from His side.”

For those who have Faith there is no difference between the Body of Jesus that hung on the cross and Whose Blood flowed from His side, 

and the Body that we receive and the Blood in the chalice. 

While they may “look” different they are one and the same,

For Jesus said, “This is My Body given for you, and the Chalice of My Blood poured out for you.”

Through the Eucharist therefore we too are able to be at Calvary,

As Jesus offers His Body and sheds His blood for the life of the world. 

Monday 18th Week of Ordinary Time

 St. Peter Julian Eymard 

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St. Peter Julian Eymard was born in France 1811 and is known as the Great Apostle of the Eucharist because of his Faith in the Real Presence, His Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and his promotion of Eucharistic Adoration. 

“Have a great love for Jesus in his divine Sacrament of Love; that is the divine oasis of the desert. It is the heavenly manna of the traveller. It is the Holy Ark. It is the life and Paradise of love on earth.”

“Hear Mass daily; it will prosper the whole day. All your duties will be performed the better for it, and your soul will be stronger to bear its daily cross. The Mass is the most holy act of religion; you can do nothing that can give greater glory to God or be more profitable for your soul than to hear Mass both frequently and devoutly. It is the favorite devotion of the saints.”

18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

 Raining Bread from Heaven  Ex. 16:2-15; Jn. 6:24-35; 

It seems as if no one is happy anymore. 

There’s always something to complain about. 

The Israelites were always complaining. 

They complained they were slaves so God set them free. 

They complained that Pharaoh was chasing them,

So God split the Red Sea in two. 

They complained there was no water,

So God gave them water from the rock. 

And they are complained there was no food,

So God gave them Bread from Heaven. 

When they awoke in the morning,

Dew covered the ground 

And when it lifted there was Manna,

Bread from Heaven to eat till they could eat no more. 

Then Jesus came along and gave them the Real Bread from Heaven;

But some of them grumbled. 

“How can this Man give us His Flesh to eat?”

So they walked away. 

While Their fathers ate Manna in the desert and died;

Jesus is offered them the Real Bread from Heaven

His very Flesh to eat. 

And those who eat it will never die,

For He will raise them up on the Last Day. 

At this very Mass,

The Holy Spirit is going to come down like the Dewfall.  

And through the Power of the Holy Spirit,

And the words of the priest,

Jesus is going to offer us His very Flesh to eat. 

The True Bread come down from Heaven. 

But how many believe it is really the Flesh of Jesus

They are receiving?

Not very many. 

Because if they did,

The church would be Standing Room Only. 

Instead they choose to feed on other things that will only leave them hungry 

And will do nothing for them when they are in the grave. 

Jesus is the Bread of Life come DOWN from Heaven

So that we can go UP to Heaven on the Last Day. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Saturday 17th Week of Ordinary Time

Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola. 

St Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) Founder of the Jesuits.jpg

The Prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola

“Take, Lord, receive 

all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my whole will, 

all that I have and all that I possess. 

You gave it all to me, Lord; I give it all back to you. 

Do with it as you will, according to your good pleasure. 

Give me your love and your grace; for with this I have all that I need."

Today give EVERYTHING to the Lord,

Knowing that the Love and Grace you receive at this Mass

Will be enough for you today. 

Friday 17th Week of Ordinary Time

 Where did He get such Wisdom? Mt. 13:54-58

The Jews thought that they knew Jesus. 

Where He was from Nazareth and  that He was the Carpenter’s 

Nowhere and nothing special.  

So they did not accept what He had to say.

Everyone has excuses why they don’t follow Jesus,

Or why they don’t go to Church. 

But in the end,

How far will their excuses get them?

Thursday 17th Week of Ordinary Time

Feast of Mary, Martha and Lazarus

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Mary, Martha and Lazarus were siblings who were perhaps the best friends of Jesus. 

The only time Jesus wept was at the death of Lazarus. 

Whenever Jesus went to Jerusalem 

He stayed at their house in Bethany

On the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem. 

We may not be able to host Jesus at our house. 

But whenever we welcome our friends,

We welcome Jesus just the same. 

Wednesday 17th Week of Ordinary Time

 The Kingdom of Heaven Mt. 13:44-46

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The Kingdom of Heaven is like a buried treasure or a pearl of great price. 

So valuable that some sell everything they have in order to possess it. 

What are we willing to give up so that we can possess the Kingdom of Heaven?

Nothing, absolutely nothing that we have can compare to. The riches, the peace, the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven. 

We may not have to give up what we have to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

But we should always be willing to. 

Tuesday 17th Week of Ordinary Time

 The Parable of the Weeds. Mt.  13:36-43

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A parishoner once told me the definition of a weed is…..

“Something that is where it is not supposed to be.”

There are weeds in gardens that are not supposed to be there and need to be removed. 

There are sins in our souls that are not supposed to be there. 

There are attitudes in our hearts that are not supposed to be there. 

There are thoughts in our minds that are not supposed to be there. 

Maybe it is time to do a little weeding in the garden of our lives?

Feast of Sts. Joachim and Ann

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Today is Grandparents day in the Catholic Church,

As we celebrate Sts. Joachim and Ann who were the grandparents of Jesus. 

Did they spoil Jesus when He came for a visit?

Did He sleep over at their house?

Did Joachim bounce Jesus on his knee?

Did Ann fix Jesus His favorite food when He stopped by?

Just think how intimate and loving their relationship with Jesus their grandson was?

and how much Joachim and Ann have to tell us about Jesus if we pray them and ask them!

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

 Jesus Feeds the 5,000.  Jn. 6:1-15

5,000 people were following Jesus into the middle of nowhere 

And no one brought any food!

It makes a person wonder what were they thinking?

Why were they so unprepared. 

But Jesus was able to feed them 

As He took the loaves and fishes and multiplied them to feed 5,000 with food left over. 

Millions of people wander through life,

And bring no spiritual food with them. 

It makes a person wonder what are they thinking. 

Is not life more than just feeding the desires of the body?

But Jesus is able to feed them too. 

Not with loaves and fishes for their stomachs

But with His very Body and Blood for their souls!

While Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes and fed five thousand 

At Mass through the words of the priest and the power of the Holy Spirit

Jesus offers to feed the entire world. 

And yet millions continue go hungry. 

Not only do they go hungry 

They choose to go hungry 

Even When the Supper of the Lamb

Is laid before them. 

And while others choose to go hungry

Still others choose to dine on the swill 

Of materialism, pleasure seeking, pornography, drugs or other things,

That is like eating nothing but donuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

It may satisfy your hunger temporarily 

But it will eventually kill you!  

When you are hungry for love, acceptance, meaning and purpose in life. 

Hungry for Hope and Forgiveness and Peace. 

There is only One Food that satisfies. 

One Table that is overflowing. 

One Body that can feed the whole world. 

That is the Supper of the Lamb!

Just as the Lamb was slain at Passover for the Jews

And those who ate it and poured its blood on the doorposts

Were fed and set free. 

So those who Feast at the Supper of the Lamb

Will be fed in this world on what makes life worth living,

And set free from the grave for Eternal Life. 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Saturday 16th Week of Ordinary Time


The Blood of the Covenant Ex. 24:3-8

Talk is cheap!
Everyone knows that.

The People of Israel told God that they would keep all the commandments that God asked of them and to prove it,
They sealed it with the blood of a young bull.
But then they did not keep what they promised.

If a person really means what they are saying their actions will speak for themselves.

God could tell us that He loves us,
But would that be enough.
Instead God Has sealed His love for us,
With the Blood of His only Son.

So that there could be no doubt of His Love!

God Bless

Friday of the 16th Week of Ordinary Time


The Commandments Ex. 20:1-17

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Every Parent has commandments or rules for their children.
What time to go to bed.
What they can watch on TV.
What snacks they can eat.

And they have these commandments or rules because they love them and want them to grow up to be their best.

It is no different with God.
We are His children and God has commandments
For us as well.
Simple ones that are not hard to keep.
And if we do then we too will grow up to be the best we can be.

And make our Heavenly Father proud!

God Bless

Mary Magdalene


July 21

Mary Magdalene was the first to see the Risen Lord. That is because she got up early in the morning, while everyone else was sleeping and ran to the tomb. She could not bear to be apart from Him. And because of her love, the Lord gifted her with seeing Him after the resurrection early on Sunday morning. Do we run to Mass to see the Lord? How deep is our Love for the Lord? The Lord only reveals Himself to those who love Him and run to Him leaving everything else behind.

Thursday 16th Week of Ordinary Time


St. Mary Magdalene

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What gets you out of bed in the morning?

What got Mary Magdalene up early in the morning
Was to run to the tomb to see Jesus.
It was so early it was still dark.

All Mary could think of early in the morning was Jesus.
She could not stand to be away from Him
So she ran to the tomb.

Is Jesus the first thing we think of in the morning?
Those who go in search of Jesus early in the morning.
While the rest of the world is sleeping
Are the ones who are sure to find Him.

Waiting for them in the Garden.
The Garden of Paradise.

God Bless

Wednesday 16th Week of Ordinary Time


Dew covered the camp Ex. 16: 13

The children of Israel had wandered in the desert and were hungry.
So God fed them Manna, Bread from Heaven.
When they awoke in the morning,
Dew covered the ground and when the dew lifted there was Manna to satisfy their hunger.

At Mass, the Holy Spirit comes down upon the bread and wine like the Dewfall.
And changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
So that we can eat the Bread from Heaven,
The Body of Christ that satisfies all of our hungers,
Especially the hunger for Eternal Life,

For those who eat the flesh of Christ
Will be raised up to Eternal Life on the Last Day.

God Bless

Tuesday 16th Week of Ordinary Time


The Family of Jesus

In our life there are strangers and acquaintances.
There are work associates and friends
There are second and third cousins;

Then there are brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers.
Intimate family members.

Jesus tells us that to be a mother or brother or sister to him is not a matter of blood or biology
but of doing God's Will!

Doing God's Will therefore will determine whether we are strangers and acquaintances
Or mother, brother, or sister to Jesus

God Bless

Monday 16th Week of Ordinary Time


“Fear not! You will see the victory of the Lord” Ex. 14:13

Israel had just been set free, and the Egyptians were after them to make them slaves again.
And Moses told the people, not to fear, for the Lord’s victory was at hand.
And he stretched out his hands and the Red Sea was spilt in two for them to to pass through to safety.

Just when we think we are free from addiction or depression or grief, they come back for us.
At those times we must not Fear!

For if we follow the Lord,
He will make straight the path to our freedom.

God Bless

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time


Jesus couldn’t go anywhere without being harassed by the Pharisees, pressed by the sick and hounded by enquiring minds.

So He told His disciples they needed to go into the desert to get away.
And ever since then, people have gone into the desert,
Hoping to “get away” from it all.

They become known as the Desert Fathers.
And they have many stories of their experiences of which I would like to share one with you.

Once there was a monk who was living in the monastery with all the other monks and he thought to himself,
“If only I can get away from all these crazy monks I would not be so angry and my problems would disappear!”
So he left the monastery to live by himself.

One day he took his water jar and went down to the river and filled it up.
When he came back to his room,
He put it down and it fell over, Spilling out all of the water.
So second time , mumbling under his breath he went back down to the river and fill it up all over over again.

When he came back to his room
He put in on the ground and there was a pebble underneath causing it to fall over again.
Spilling out all of the water.
Angry that he had to go to the river again he picked it up the water jar and made the long trek a third time.

When he came back to his room,
This time he put the water jar on the window sill,
And a bird came and knocked it over.
Well by this time, the monk was so angry
That he picked up the water jar in a rage,
And threw it against the wall
And it shattered into pieces.

As he looked at the shattered pieces on the ground,
He realized that his anger
Did not come from the other monks around him,
But from within himself,
So he moved back to the monastery
And lived with all of the other crazy monks,
Realizing he was really no different from them.

How many times do we wish we could “get away?”
Especially from all the crazy people around us.
How much better our life would be.

Only to find out what we do not like
And what is really bothering us,
Is like that monk,
Inside of us all along.

So rather than blame others for our problems
Maybe we should realize we are not really that different from each other,