Saturday, December 25, 2021


Christmas Eve will find me,
Where the love light gleams,
I’ll be home for Christmas,
If only in my dreams.

This song was originally written in 1943 to honor soldiers during World War II
Who were overseas and who longed to be home for Christmas.

Who doesn’t want to be home for Christmas?
But sometimes Home can seem so far away.

For some home is half way across the country
And for others home is in Heaven,
Where loved ones have gone.

And so being Home for Christmas sometimes seems to be only in their dreams.

Every Christmas since that First Christmas has been about being home with family.
Because at that first Christmas,
God became flesh and made HIS home with us.

In a family,
With Mary as His mom and Joseph as His dad.

They spent their first Christmas far away from family and friends.
Joachim and Ann, Mary’s parents were back in Nazareth.
Elizabeth and Zachariah were in the hill country of Judea.

So they were all alone.
But not really.
There were Shepherds keeping watch ;
And Angels singing;
And Wise men bearing gifts
Even the animals gathered round to keep them warm.

While Mary and Joseph were far from family,
They still had so much right in front of them!

While at times we may dream about being home for Christmas
with those who are not with us;
Do not overlook those who are!

The family and friends who are right in front of you.
For That is where the Love Light gleams!

As long as we have love in our hearts,
Home is never far away.
For home is where the heart is.

In the faces of those all around us.
In the gift of love that we share with one another.

This is my home,
And that is why I am home for Christmas.

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