Saturday, December 25, 2021

New Year’s Eve

Only in the Eucharist

It is New Year's Eve!

Do you want to look back or forward?

It all depends. 

Where have you been and where are you going?

On New Year's Eve we straddle the past and the future. 

Memories become mixed with dreams. 

Tears with Hope. 

Laughter with Sighs. 

We see the faces of those no longer with us,

And wonder whose face we will see in the year ahead. 

We think about the things we did,

And make resolutions to do better. 

On New Year’s Eve, The past, the present and the future all seem to blend into one moment. 

In Mass The past, the present and the future all come together in one Heavenly Moment!

For in Heaven the Past, the Present and the Future all come together in one Eternal Now. 

At Mass we Remember.

We remember all that Jesus did for us,

His birth, His Death and His Resurrection. 

At Mass we remember all our loved ones who are no longer here with us. 

At Mass we Give Thanks for what we have Today. 

Our life and our loves. 

And at Mass we look Forward to that Day,

Where there will be no more mourning or suffering. 

Where everyone we love will be gathered around the Table in our Heavenly Father’s house for one Never Ending Thanksgiving Dinner. 

Every Mass is a New Year’s Eve. 

We look Back on our lives. 

We Give thanks for what we have Today. 

And we look Forward to the Supper of the Lamb,

Around Our Heavenly Father’s table with all our family and friends. 

Every Mass, is New Year’s Eve

When we look back, give thanks today and get ready for what is to come. 

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