Tuesday, October 12, 2021

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time


The cost of discipleship Mk. 10:35-45

Jesus had just told His disciples that He was going to be mocked, spit upon, scourged and killed.

And what do His disciples say?
They start arguing among themselves
who is going to be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Who gets to sit at His right and His Left!

They just didn’t get it!
Do we get it any better
than the disciples?

We come here to remember the Passion of the Lord.
His rejection, His suffering, His Death.
What do we talk about after Mass?

Do we argue among ourselves?
Do we worry that someone might get more than me?
Do we notice what is wrong but don’t want to do any of the work to fix it?
Are we concerned only about what’s in it for me?

How can Jesus suffer so much,
And yet so many are not moved;

Jesus came not to be served but to serve.
Not to be first but last.
Not for glory but for the cross.

Being a disciple of Jesus therefore is not about being first.
Not about being great;
Not about reigning in glory;

But about being Last in Line.
Being the Servant of all;
Drinking the Cup of Sacrifice.

The Glory will come,
But only after we have drank from the Cup.

The Cup of Service, Suffering and Sacrifice.
That Jesus drank from first,
He now offers to us at this Mass.

Have we come here seeking to be filled;
Or to be poured out like Christ?

For the life of the parish
And those sitting next to us?

What kind of disciple are we?
What kind of Parishoner are we?

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