Tuesday, October 19, 2021

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

From Among Men :  The Priesthood Heb. 5:1

Where do priests come from?

From you!

The letter to the Hebrews tells us that 

They come from among men. Heb. 5:1

From families and friends. 

Just like yours. 

They are raised in Homes and Neighborhoods;

Just like you. 

So they are human just like you. 

With ups and downs 

Quirks and idiosyncrasies 

Sins and struggles

Just like you. 

What makes them different though is as the letter to the Hebrews continues,

They are representatives before God who offer gifts and sacrifices. Heb. 5:1. 

The Gifts they offer to you are the Body and Blood of Christ

For your healing and strength. 

The Sacrifice they offer is the Sacrifice of the Mass,

The same Sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

And because they do,

Satan seeks to sift them all like wheat. Lk. 22:31

At the Last Supper,

Jesus told Peter that Satan seeks to sift him like wheat. 

And Jesus prayed for him that his Faith might not fail. Lk. 22:32

It is a scary thing to know that Satan wants to sift you like wheat. 

So this is why at every Mass at the Eucharistic Prayer,

We pray for the Pope, the Bishops and the clergy in particular. 

So that their Faith might not fail. 

A priest is a paradox. 

Called by God to offer sacrifices for sins yet is a sinner himself.  Heb. 5:1

A man set apart yet one who comes from family and society. Heb. 5:1

An individual who represents everyone before God. Heb. 5:1

And whom Satan wants to sift like wheat. Lk. 22:31

Therefore, pray for priests!

As they pray for you 

at every Mass!

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