Friday, May 17, 2024


What guides you?

The desires of the Flesh or the Spirit?

This is what St. Paul asked the Galatians. 

The Galatians were baptized in the Spirit

But then they started to return to the ways of the flesh. 

They wanted to gratify the desires of the flesh. 

Immorality, lust, gluttony, jealously, divisions, drunkenness and orgies. 

He warned them that those who live by the flesh and its desires will not inherit the Kingdom of heaven.

For there is no place in Heaven for the desires of the flesh. 

Because the Kingdom of Heaven is Spirit. 

The Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. 

It is not easy however to ignore the desires of the flesh. 

It always wants more. 

More Pleasure, More Power, More Food, Drink, Property, More Possessions and Money;

This is why those who live in the flesh will never be happy or satisfied. 

The flesh is a ravenous monster that says “Feed me.”

The more one feeds the flesh 

The hungrier it gets. 

This is why we need the Holy Spirit. 

Not just at Pentecost. 

But everyday!

For the flesh wakes up hungry everyday. 

And so everyday we must pray,

Come Holy Spirt Come!

So that everyday we are led not by the desires of the flesh

But by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

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