Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday 8th week of Ordinary Time

  The Visitation

While Mary rejoiced in God for all the good things He had done for her, it does not mean she had it easy. 

When she went to her cousin Elizabeth, she could have poured out her troubles to her. 

How was she going to tell her mother?

Would Joseph call off the wedding and divorce her?

What would the neighbors say?  They all like to talk. 

Instead she visited Elizabeth with Good News!

God had done great things for her. 

He has looked upon His servant in her lowliness. 

And all generations will now call her blessed. 

Everyday we visit people.  

Some formally,some casually. 

We visit family, friends, co-workers and strangers. 

Do we visit them with Good News or bad?

With hope and joy or with all our problems and what is wrong in the world. 

The latest gossip?

It takes a person of Faith to visit another with Joy. 

It takes a person of Faith to focus on all the good that God has done. 

Mary is that person of Faith. 

When we visit others what do we share with them?

It all depends on whether we are a person of Faith like Mary or not!

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