Sunday, June 2, 2024

Feast of Corpus Christi

Why are we here?

There are lots of reasons people may give,

But there is only one real reason. 

Jesus was going to die soon, very soon. 

And He asked us to do this in memory of Him. 

And just exactly what are we doing in memory of Him?

At the Last Supper

Jesus took bread and said,

This is My Body, take and eat of it. 

And then he took the chalice and said. 

This is the Cup of My Blood which will be shed for you. 

Drink of it. 

By doing this Jesus made it possible for all of His disciples throughout the ages

To be at Calvary. 

Not just remember His death,

But to experience it for themselves.

For the  Body that He was giving His disciples to eat

And the Blood He was giving them to drink. 

Was the SAME Body that was to hang upon the cross

And the SAME Blood that was to pour forth from His open side

Therefore The Body of Christ we receive is the same Body which He gave up for us on the cross. 

And the Blood of Christ we drink is the same Blood which was poured out for us on the cross. 

In other words, what Jesus did at the Last Supper is the same thing He did at Calvary. 

He Gave His Body and Blood for all

Except under the from of Bread and Wine, Which our eyes see,

But our Faith sees His actual Body and Blood that died on the cross. 

For whenever we gather around this table, 

We gather around His cross

For when we eat this bread and drink this cup,

We are proclaiming His death. 

And experiencing our own salvation. 

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