Saturday, June 22, 2024

Monday 12th Week of Ordinary Time

 The Birth of John the Baptist

Before a child is born,

Parents often have dreams of what their child will be. 

It is the same with God. 

Before a child is born;

When it is being formed in the depths of its mother’s womb,

God has dreams for it. 

Before his birth, The Lord had a dream for John the Baptist.

To be a sharp edged sword; A polished arrow;

To be a light to the nations,

So that salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. 

Before we were born,

God had a dream for each one of us. 

Like John the Baptist 

God has prepared us and given us the gifts necessary.

To fulfill our calling. 

We know what John’s calling was,

But do we know what our is,

What our calling is from before we were born?

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