Sunday, June 9, 2024

10th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Passing the buck Gen. 3:9-15

God did not create this world!

What God created was good. 

There was harmony and peace. 

The lion laid down with the lamb. 

This is not the world God created. 

This is the world WE created!

God gave us a wonderful world.; A good world. 

And then we took what God created 

and we created something else. 

We created a world at enmity with God. 

A world where we think we don’t really need God. 

We created a world where we are at enmity with each other. 

Competing for power, land, money, possessions, influence. 

We created a world where the lion devours the lamb. 

Why did we do this?

It all depends who you ask. 

Adam blamed Eve!

“She gave me the fruit from the forbidden tree and I ate it.”

Then Eve blamed the serpent. 

“The serpent tricked me so I ate.”

And ever since then we have been passing the buck. 

Blaming someone else for our problems and everything wrong in the world. 

It is always someone else’s fault  

Not only do we pass the buck. 

We pass the negativity. 

We pass the anger, the hurt and the blame. 

We pass everything. 

Only when we stop passing it and say

The buck stops with me. 

Even if it didn’t start with me. 

Will anything ever start to change. 

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