Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday 10th Week of Ordinary Time

 Happy Mt. 5:1-12

Another way to translate the word Blessed is Happy,

Because those who are Blessed ARE Happy 

Happy are the poor in spirit, for they are not consumed by their desires. 

Happy are they who mourn, for they realize this world and everything in it is passing away. 

Happy are the meek, because pride goes before a fall. 

Happy are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for the unrighteous are never satisfied. 

Happy are the merciful, for they will not fear the Day of Judgment. 

Happy are the pur of heart, for their hearts are not divided within themselves. 

Happy are the Peacemakers, for their lives are not torn by worn and violence. 

Happy are the persecuted for they know they are on the right path to the Kingdom. 

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