Friday, May 24, 2024

The Most Holy Trinity


God said it was not good to be alone. Gen. 2:18

So God made them male and female. 

In His own Image He made them. 

Well If was not good for humans be to alone

Then why should God be alone?

So God the Father from all Eternity begot His Son in His own image. Col. 1:15

And God did this because God is Love.  

The essence of Love is to be shared and to bear fruit. 

If it is not shared and does not bear fruit,

It is not love. 

So if God is Eternal Love,

Then God must have Loved someone eternally. 

So from all eternity, God the Father loved His only Son. 

And the fruit of the Eternal Love between the Father and Son is the Holy Spirit. 

God therefore must be a Trinity of Persons 

The Father and Son who love each other for all eternity. 

And the fruit of their Eternal Love is the Holy Spirit. 

 The Most Holy Trinity therefore is the greatest proof that God is Love. 

Eternal Love;

Giving Love;

Fruitful Love. 

We were created to share in that Love. 

To say that we are made in the image and likeness of God,

Is to say that Love is the reason for OUR existence,

For God is Love.

So with whom do WE share our love and what fruit does our love bear?

If only we could  love one another, as the Father and the Son love one another in the Holy Spirit,

Then this earth would be the paradise it was always meant to be  

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