Thursday, March 30, 2023

Time line of the Resurrection

 Time line of the Resurrection :

(I) The holy women carrying the spices previously prepared start out for the sepulchre before dawn, and reach it after sunrise; they are anxious about the heavy stone, but know nothing of the official guard of the sepulchre (Mt. 28: 1-3; Mark, 16: 1-3; Luke, 24:1; John, 20: 1).
(2) The angel frightened the guards by his brightness put them to flight, rolled away the stone, and seated himself above the stone (Matt., 28: 2-4).
(3) Mary Magdalen, Mary the Mother of James, and Salome approach the sepulchre, and see the stone rolled back, whereupon Mary Magdalen immediately returns to inform the Apostles (Mark, 16: 4; Luke, 24: 2; John, 20:1-2).
(4) The other two holy women enter the sepulchre, find an angel seated in the vestibule, who shows them the empty sepulchre, announces the Resurrection, and commissions them to tell the disciples and Peter that they shall see Jesus in Galilee (Matt., 28:5-7; Mark, 16:5-7).
(5) A second group of holy women, consisting of Joanna and her companions, arrive at the sepulchre, where they have probably agreed to meet the first group, enter the empty interior, and are admonished by two angels that Jesus has risen according to His prediction (Luke, 24:10).
(6) Not long after, Peter and John, who were notified by Mary Magdalen, arrive at the sepulchre and find the linen cloth in such a position as to exclude the supposition that the body was stolen; for they lay simply flat on the ground, showing that the sacred body had vanished out of them without touching them. When John notices this he believes (John, 20: 3-10).
(7) Mary Magdalen returns to the sepulchre, sees first two angels within, and then Jesus Himself (John, 20:11-16; Mark, 16: 9).
(8) The two groups of pious women, who probably met on their return to the city, are favored with the sight of Christ arisen, who commissions them to tell His brethren that they will see Him in Galilee (Matt., 28:8-10; Mark, 16: 8).
(9) The holy women relate their experiences to the Apostles, but find no belief (Mark, 16:10-11; Luke, 24: 9-11). (
10) Jesus appears to the disciples at Emmaus, and they return to Jerusalem; the Apostles appear to waver between doubt and belief (Mark, 16:12-13; Luke, 24:13-35).
(11) Christ appears to Peter, and therefore Peter and John firmly believe in the Resurrection (Luke, 24:34; John, 20:8).
(12) After the return of the disciples from Emmaus, Jesus appears to all the Apostles excepting Thomas (Mark, 16:14; Luke 24: 36-43; John, 20:19-25).

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