Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday of Holy Week

Small Betrayals. Mt. 26:14-25

The name of Judas is synonymous with betrayal.
And for centuries people have wondered how he could betray Jesus.
Was he truly evil?
Was he overcome by his greed?
Was he remorseful in the end?
Why did he not just go to Jesus and ask forgiveness?

The answers to these questions are found in our own hearts!
We may not commit the ultimate betray that Judas did, but through our sins, we commit small betrayals.
Our acts of selfishness are betrayals against the generosity of Jesus Who emptied Himself.
Our acts of anger are betrayals against the love of Jesus Who laid down His life for us.
Our acts of pride are betrayals against Jesus Who humbled Himself.
Our gluttony is a betrayal against Jesus who fed the five thousand.
Our hiding of our Faith is a betrayal against Jesus who was lifted high on the cross for all to see.

When we commit these small betrayals, how do we respond?
Why did we do them?
Were we temporarily overcome by our sinful desires?
Were we remorseful afterward?
Did we ask forgiveness off Jesus?

In our small betrayals is it really so hard to understand the Great Betrayal of Judas?

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