Thursday, April 27, 2023

4th Sunday of Easter


The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
There is nothing you will want.
That is if you want love, peace, forgiveness and strength.

And when you are tired;
Not from running around and playing
But tired from work, stress, worry and anxiety,fear;

Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who will refresh
Beside restful and cool waters.

And when you walk through dark valleys or climb steep mountains;
Or when you take the wrong road in life and find yourself lost;

You do not have to fear.
Because Jesus is the Good Shepherd Who is always with you,
Protecting you with his shepherd’s rod and staff

And when you are hungry;
Hungry for love, acceptance; understanding; hope and forgiveness.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who spreads a banquet before you.
A banquet not for your stomach..
But for your heart and soul.

For everyone has a hungry heart.
At one time or another.

And Jesus will fill your hungry heart with his Body and Blood at Communion.
Until Your heart will overflows!

For in that single Host at Communion
is all the Love, the Mercy, the Forgiveness; the Peace and Life
in Heaven and Earth.
Because that single Host is Jesus Himself.

Jesus is your Good Shepherd
And may you always follow Him

For if you follow Jesus
Goodness and kindness will follow you all the days of your life.

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