Friday, April 14, 2023

Monday Second Week of Easter


Born of Water and The Spirit Jn. 3:1-8

Everyone is born of flesh and blood.
But not everyone is reborn of Water and the Holy Spirit.

Those born of flesh and blood are of this world.
Those reborn of Water and the Holy Spirit are of heaven.

Jesus reminds us that what is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.

He therefore, places a choice before us.
Flesh or Spirit.
This world or the Kingdom of Heaven.

If we want the Kingdom of Heaven, then we must be born again of Water and the Holy Spirit in Baptism.
Through Baptism the flesh becomes filled and led by the Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit blows where He wills.
In other words, those born again leave aside their fleshly desires and allow them selves to be "blown" by the Holy Spirit wherever He wills.

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