Friday, April 14, 2023

Divine Mercy


Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

Kazimirowski Eugeniusz, Divine Mercy, 1934.jpg
Why do you lock the door to your house?
Because you don’t want strangers just walking in while your eating dinner or watching TV.
Because you don’t want thieves coming in and stealing your things.
Because you don’t want murderers coming in and harming those you love.

Is it any different with Our Heavenly Father’s House.
If you lock your doors shouldn’t God lock the doors to His House for the same reason.

And those you know and love, usually have keys to your house;
And should it be any different with God.
Those who know and love God have keys too.

So how does one get a key to the Kingdom of Heaven?
First by Faith.
As Jesus said if you believe in Him you will have Eternal Life.

But what if you don’t?
What if you lost your key of Faith?
People lose their keys all the time.
What if suffering or the problems or disasters of life stole it from you?
What if you misplaced it because you were preoccupied with other things?
What if the actions of other Christians caused you to lose your key of Faith.

What then?

Well there is another key.
It is the key of Mercy.

Jesus said if you feed the hungry.
If you give water to the thirsty.
If you welcome the stranger.
If you clothe the naked
If you visit the sick
And those in prison.

These are the corporal works of Mercy.
And Jesus said if you do these things
You are welcome in His Heavenly Father’s house.

But if you don’t!
The door will remain locked.

Keys are available everywhere though.
The hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and those in prison all have one.
Just go up to them and ask them for one.

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