Thursday, April 20, 2023

Tuesday 3rd week of Easter


The Feast of St. Mark

The Body of Christ

St. Paul teaches that we are the mystical Body of Christ.
But through the centuries this Body has been broken and divided many times.

Long before the Protestant Reformation there was another schism in the 5th century when the Coptic Church of Alexandria Egypt split from the Christian Churches in Rome and Constantinople.

The Coptic Church claims to have been founded by St. Mark, whose feast day we celebrate today.
And is the major Christian Church in Egypt which is severely persecuted and experiences bombings of which you may have heard occasionally on the news.

Whenever we have a broken bone, the best way to heal it is through tender loving care.

As we celebrate the feast of St. Mark today and call to mind the Coptic Church which he founded in Egypt
we are once again reminded that the best way to heal the Broken Mystical Body of Christ
is also through tender loving care for all who call themselves Christians.

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