Friday, July 5, 2024

14th Sunday of Ordinary time

 My Grace is enough 2Cor 12:7-10

How do you know when you have enough?

Enough money?

Enough Time?

Enough food?

Enough clothes and shoes?

Enough Love?

Enough good health?

Enough of anything ?

The truth is we never seem to have enough. 

Life seems to leave us wanting more. 

St. Paul experienced suffering, a thorn in his side. 

He thought if he could only get God to take that thorn away,

It would be enough for him. 

So three times Paul begged God to take it away. 

Do we have thorns in our life and think, 

If only God would take them away?

But God did not take the thorn away from Paul. 

Rather God told Paul that His grace was enough for him. 

As a young man Ignatius of Loyola had everything 

until a cannonball shattered his leg. 

It was at that time that he found out that God’s grace was enough for him, as he wrote his famous prayer. 

“Give me only your love and your grace,

That’s enough for me!”

In their weakness, Paul and Ignatius realized that God’s grace was enough for them. 

When life becomes difficult;

And we feel as if we do not have enough of whatever it is we think we need. 

Ask God to give you His grace and His love 

And like Paul and Ignatius you will find it is enough;

More than enough!

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