Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday 13th Week of Ordinary Time

St.  Thomas the Apostle

The Church is founded on the Apostles and Prophets. 

At first thought that sounds like quite a firm foundation. 

Until one takes a closer look.

Thomas had his doubts. 

Peter denied the Lord. 

The other Apostles fled when Jesus was arrested. 

And then there are the prophets. 

Elijah just wanted to give up and die. 

Jonah was the reluctant prophet. 

Jeremiah felt he had been duped by the Lord and wished he had never been born. 

Its amazing the Church is still standing, 

With such a foundation. 

But that is because Christ is the cornerstone. 

And all the other stones of the Church,

Gain their strength from Him. 

So don’t worry if you have your doubts 

Or feel as if you don’t measure up. 

Neither did the Apostles or Prophets. 

For  Jesus will give us all that we need. 

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