Saturday, July 27, 2024

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

On being a Christian Eph 4:1-6

What are the characteristics of an elite athlete?

In basketball an elite player

Is a good shot. 

Plays defense

Has a quick first step

Reads the court well

Can rebound and pass the ball. 

And if an athlete is weak in one of these areas, they work at it until they improve. 

This may take an entire season on just one area such as shooting or defense. 

Hours and hours of practice. 

And those who don’t are bench warmers. 

What are the characteristics of a Christian? Eph 4:1-6

They are humble, gentle and Patient;

They bear with others in love;

They strive to preserve the unity of community. 

And they are Peacemakers. 

Do we have these characteristics?

Maybe some, maybe not others. 

Which ones do we need to work on?

How much time and effort do we put into our Faith?

Do we strive to be Elite Christians

Like St. Francis or Mother Teresa?

They put their heart and soul into it everyday. 

They just didn’t wake up one day holy. 

Or are we just average Christians. 

Who come off the bench when we are needed. 

Or are we benchwarmers on Sundays. 

I have been at this all my life and sometimes I feel as if I haven’t gotten anywhere. 

Still working on the same old issues. 

The game is not over though. 

Don’t give up. 

The Lord will give us all we need. 

To get out there and make a difference

In the game of life. 

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