Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday 15th Week of Ordinary Time

I will refresh you.  Mt. 11-28-30

Who doesn’t get a little tired sometimes. 

Not just physically,

But emotionally as well. 

The burdens of life can pile up sometimes and become too much to carry. 

And when that happens where do we go?

To bed for a nap?

To the Mall for some shopping?

To the fridge for some comfort food?

To the bottle for a drink?

None of this is bad,

but how well does it really work?

It really only deals with the symptoms. 

None of them solve the problems of life. 

That is why Jesus says,

“Come to Me!   And I will refresh you. “

When the burdens of life begin to weigh us down. 

And we can find no rest from the demands of life. 

There is only one place to go. 

One person to turn too.  

And he will take our burdens  Upon His shoulders

And in His gentle and humble Heart

We will find rest. 

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