Saturday, July 13, 2024

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Carry only what you need Mk. 6:7-13

Jesus tells us  to travel light. 

No food! no sack! no money!

Look at our stomachs;

Look at our closets;

Look at all we have. 

We are so weighed down. 

Yet we can only fit so much in a casket!

That is all we get to take with us. 

Do we really need everything else. 

Jesus however was referring not just to things but to EVERYTHING!!

To everything that weighs us down. 

Guilt; anger; greed; past hurts. 

Who needs to carry that around!

Worry and anxiety!

Get rid of it. 

It can be a long Dark road sometimes 

And so we invite people into our homes for a respite along the way. 

What do they find?

Do they find Peace?

or do they have to shake off the dust; 

Shake off all of the tension and anger and discord from their feet when they leave?

Because who needs to carry that with them?

Life is short. 

It is a 40 or 50 or maybe 80yr sprint to Eternity. 

Carry only what you need. 

Carry Faith, Hope and Love instead.

We come here every Week to fill up with these things. 

For our hearts and souls run hit empty so quickly. 

Those who stock up on these things

Will find the journey so much easier. 

And reach their final destination;

The world to come!

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