Wednesday, November 3, 2021

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

 The Widow's Mite Mk. 12:38-44

grayscale photography of woman

What leads a lowly, poor widow to give away her last two coins?

Everything she had to live on?


She Trusted that God would provide for her every need. 

She chose to trust in God instead of her last two coins. 

While The rich man was motivated by fear, or worry, or just plain selfishness. 

And held back;

The Widow was motivated by her Trust in God,

And gave all.        

What keeps us from giving all we have to God?

From giving all our time, our treasure, our talent ?

Instead we sometimes dole them out, 

sparingly because we might need them one day. 

In reserve,

In emergency,

Just in case!

The Widow however was able to give away her last two coins,

Because she knew that everything she had ever had,

Had come from God.

Even those last two coins were from God!

She knew that she could give everything she had to God,

Because God had always given everything to her;

Everything she ever needed. 

In the end, The widow fooled everyone. 

Everyone thought she gave her last two coins,

Everything she had to live on. 

But in reality,

She gave her last two coins in her pocket,

Because she knew she had God in her heart. 

And that made her richer than anyone!

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