Monday, November 8, 2021

Wednesday Pope Leo the Great

 Herrera mozo San León magno Lienzo. Óvalo. 164 x 105 cm. Museo del Prado.png

Pope Leo the Great was the first Pope to be called “the great.”

He was Pope for 21 years until his death Nov. 10, 461 AD

While he is famous for turning Attila the Hun away from sacking Rome and thus sparing the city. 

He is even more famous for His defense of The One Person of Christ in two natures  at the Council of Chalcedon. 

The early Christians were uncertain how to explain,

How Jesus was both, God and man. 

How Jesus could be both,

Immortal, infinite, omniscient, and Divine Son of God,

And at the same time, be mortal, finite, ignorant and human. 

Through the writing of Pope Leo,

The Council Of Chalcedon which was near present day Istanbul decreed, 

That while Jesus Christ is a Divine Person with a Divine Nature,

When He Became flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary 

He took on a Human Nature as well. 

So Jesus is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity who has a Divine Nature and a Human Nature,

Making Jesus both fully God and fully human. 

And that means that God really does know what it means to be human,

God really does know what we experience,

Because He became fully human just like us!

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