Monday, January 30, 2023

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Let Your Light Shine Mt. 5:13-16

Light is not something that we hear

Rather Light something we see. 

It is by our good deeds therefore

And not by our words. 

That our light will shine. 

Immediately after Jesus preaches the Beatitudes,

He tells us to let our GOOD DEEDS and not our words be a light shine for others to see. 

The Beatitudes are the Light that Jesus is talking about

That we must put them into practice for others to see. 

We must Be Poor in Spirit. 

So that others see that we are not attached to material things but that our hearts greatest desire is for the Kingdom of Heaven. 

We must be Mournful. 

So that others can see that this world and its pleasures are passing away. 

We must Be Meek

So that others can see that we are not full of ourselves but full of God. 

We must Be hungry for Holiness and Righteousness,

So that others can see this world will never satisfy their hungers. 

We must Be Merciful,

So that others can see how to forgive. 

We must Be Pure of Heart,

So that others can see what true love is. 

We must be Peacemakers

So that others can see that war is not the answer. 

We must Be persecuted 

So that others can see we are different from this world. 

The Beatitudes are the Light that Jesus is talking about that must shine for others to see.  

St. Francis of Assisi was a Light whose life spoke for itself. 

That enlightened others and gave glory to God.  

Not by what he said,

But by what he did. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

The Presentation

 The Presentation 

On the night of the Exodus,

Every firstborn was given to the Lord;

As the angel of death came and every firstborn male from every animal to every family was taken unless the blood of the lamb was poured over the doorposts of their homes. 

Ever since then,

Every first born male was “presented” to the Lord. 

As a reminder of the Freedom that they received that night. 

On this day, we present ourselves to the Lord;

As an offering;

Just as Jesus presented Himself to His Father in the Temple

And on the cross. 

And we say, “Here I am Lord”

I come to do your Will. 

Wednesday 4th Week of Ordinary Time

Strive for Peace Heb. 12:14 

The letter to the Hebrews tells us to strive for Peace. 

Not pray for Peace;

Not Hope for Peace;

But Strive for Peace. 

This is because Peace of Mind

Peace in the family

Peace between nations

Is so elusive.  

It is found on many lips but in few hearts

This is why one must strive with all one’s heart

If one truly wants it. 

For Peace is elusive and can be found only by those who strive for it with all their hearts. 

St. John Bosco

 Tuesday St. John Bosco

The early Franciscans were known as an Order of penitents. 

But what does it mean to do penance?

And what kind of Penance should we do?

St. John Bosco wrote,

“Your mortification should be your diligence in doing your duties and in putting up with the annoyances of others."

“There are plenty of ways to practice mortification! 

Just patiently endure cold, heat, sickness, troubles, people, happenings, and so forth."

We do not have to go in search of great Penance and Mortification. 

The opportunities are always right in front of us in our daily work and community life. 

And once we have learned how to do those daily mortifications,

Then we can move on to greater ones

But not until then. 

First things first. 

Monday 4th Week of Ordinary Time

Unclean Spirits Mk. 51:20

Jesus was always casting out demons;

Unclean spirits that possessed

There are those obsessions and anxieties;

Thoughts in our head that just won’t shut up. 

Because they are legion!

And only Jesus can cast them out. 

Just go to Jesus and ask Him

To drive them out. 

To Throw them in the trash!

Flush them down the toilet!

Or down the garbage disposal!

Because they are not worth it. 

They are only trash that only clutters up our minds. 

4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Beatitudes 

The beatitudes are the GPS to Heaven. 

Those who follow their directions are sure to reach their destination 

The Kingdom of Heaven. 

The first road is Poor in Spirit Lane. 

Take that road because those who take the road to Possessions

are too loaded down to get anywhere. 

Then go a few miles until you get to Mournful Way. 

You will pass many things on this road from cemeteries to sadness, to loneliness and loss. 

The road may be difficult but you will find every tear you shed helps you see your way more clearly. 

Then tun on Meek Avenue. 

This is the road where the proud never go so there is not much traffic. 

Those who take this road are sure to get lost in life,

But they are meek and humble enough to ask the Lord and others to show them the way. 

Every trip requires a rest stop where you stop and get something to eat and drink. 

Take the exit to Holiness and Righteousness where you will get your fill to continue the journey.  

You will see many people broken down along the side of the road. 

Stop and be Merciful to them. 

For if not for the grace of God that could be you. 

You  are going to run into all kinds of weather along the way. 

Not just snow and rain;

Life is going to throw a lot of mud and manure at you too. 

Don’t let it stick to you. 

keep your Heart clean and Pure. 

So you can see where you are going. 

And be at Peace. 

The road of Life to Heaven is full of chuck holes, detours, and breakdowns. 

Do not worry 

Be at Peace at all times with those in the car with you and with those on the road. 

Peace always prevents accidents. 

And when people curse at you along the way and try to Run you off the road. 

And try and tell you that you are going the wrong way;

Just smile and Be glad. 

It only makes you a better and more patient spiritual driver. 

Which is sure to get you to your destination. 

The road trip to Heaven starts here at Mass.


fill up your spiritual tank

With the Body and Blood of Jesus

And listen to His directions in the Scriptures 

And your are sure to find your way home!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Friday 3rd Week of Ordinary Time


Do Not Throw Away Your Confidence. Heb. 10:32-39

How many times was Jesus whipped?
How many times was He spit upon?
How many times did He fall carrying His cross?

But He never gave up.
He placed His confidence in His Father.

The letter to the Hebrews warns us that we too will be tested;
With suffering, abuse and affliction.

And we are told never to give up.
Not to throw away our confidence in the Father.

For if we endure in doing God’s Will,
We will receive our recompense

If we Do not draw back and perish,
But keep the Faith,
Eternal Life will be ours!

January 26 Thursday


Feast of Timothy and Titus

When was the last time you wrote a spiritual letter to a friend.
Telling them how you yearn to see them;
How Grateful you are for the Faith that they have shared with you;
Encouraging them to stir into flame the gifts God gave them;

This is exactly what St. Paul did for his friends Timothy and Titus.

It is amazing what a word of encouragement and support can do.
That no matter what hardship they may be facing,
They can bear it with the strength that comes from God.

Wednesday January 25 Conversion of St. Paul


The Conversion of St. Paul

St. Paul thought that he was living his Jewish Faith perfectly
God however, thought otherwise.

It does not matter if we think that we are living our Faith perfectly or not.
What matters is what God thinks!

The Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul is a good day to ask God,
" How am I living my Faith?"
"Do I need to change course?"
"Does God want something more from me?"

And then to be willing to accept the answer that God gives us.
Even if it knocks us off our horse.
As it did St. Paul.

St. Francis de Sales. Tuesday Jan 24

The importance of meditation

St. Francis once said,
“Half an hour’s meditation each day is essential,
Except when you are busy.
Then a full hour is needed!”

This is because sometimes when we start the day it is like going off to war.
We face so many obstacles and challenges.
That we must prepare ourselves or we will fail.

Most of the days challenges are not physical but spiritual
And so therefore, we arm ourselves spiritually
Through prayer and meditation.

If we hope to be victorious in our struggles!

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time


Rivalries. 1Cor. 1:10-17

There are many different kinds of rivalries.
Their are rivalries in sports; In politics; In Religion;
Between cities and countries.

Some rivalries can be good as they challenge us
To be better; To strive higher.

But then some rivalries can become Bitter and destructive.

St. Paul had to write a letter to the Corinthians about Rivalries gone bad.
The Church in Corinth had become divided.
Some people followed Pau while others followed Cephas and still others followed Apollos.

They had lost sight of Christ!
This was around the year 53 A.D.

After 2,000 yrs. nothing has changed.
Rivalries have gotten even worse.
In politics and in religion.

Republican president Ronald Reagan and Democrat Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill were Polar opposites politically–
yet they did not allow that to define their relationship.

One time Reagan confronted O’Neill about some nasty things said in the newspaper, and O’Neil replied with: “That’s just politics, after 6 o’clock we’re buddies–we’re friends.”

And that’s exactly what they were–frequently going out after work and simply having a beer together.

After Ronald Reagan was shot, the first person to come and visit him was Tip O’Neill.

Reagan took it, that when things would get a little heated in some of their meetings, he would visibly set his watch to 6 o’clock, as a reminder of their true identity in friendship.

Republicans and Democrats
Protestants and Catholics;
Minonk, Toluca, Wenona and Lostant;
Even divisions between Catholics as to who is a real Catholic
And what one should believe and how one should practice the Fatih.

These rivalries and debates are to be expected.
But we can never allow them to divide to the point of war!

Ronald Regan and Tip O’Neil had 6 o’clock and beer to remind them that they were friends.

We have the Mass!
At every Mass, we lay aside all division and rivalry
And we gather as friends in Christ.
And when we can no longer do that.

Then we can no longer call ourselves Christian!

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Friday 2nd Week of Ordinary Time


A New Covenant Heb. *:6-13

On Mount Sinai God made a Covenant with Israel that He would be their God and Israel would be His people.
And it was written on stone tablets.

But the stone tablets were broken.

So Jeremiah prophesied that one day God would make a new Covenant,
And write it not on stone but on our hearts;
A covenant of Love whereby the Sacred heart of Jesus would be united with our hearts forever.

The only problem is that sometimes our hearts are harder than stone.

Thursday 2nd week of Ordinary Time


The Priesthood. Heb. 7:25-8:6

In the Old Testament Priests offered Sacrifice for sins over and over again.

Jesus however is the High Priest Who offered Himself once and for all for sins so that no other sacrifice needs to be offered.

Every Priest at every Mass offers the SAME sacrifice that Jesus offered on Calvary.

For at the Last Supper Jesus made the Sacrifice of Calvary Sacramentally present to His disciples as He gave them His Body and poured out His Blood for them.

So we are able to be saved here and now
by the Sacrifice of Calvary made Sacramentally present to us through the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Wednesday 2nd week of Ordinary Time


The Pharisees and excuses Mk. 3:1-6

There was a man with a withered hand
But the Pharisees would not help him because the Sabbath was a day of rest.
And it was not permitted to work on the Sabbath.

So they did nothing.

Jesus however did something.
He healed him,
Because Mercy never rests,
Not even on the Sabbath.

Do we ever make excuses not help another person?
Mercy must never rest.
No matter what day it is
Or who it is that needs it.

Tuesday 2nd week of Ordinary Time


St. Anthony the Abbot

St. Anthony was born in Egypt in the 3rd century and is the Father of Monasticism who sold all that he had a went to live in the desert and face his demons and find the Lord.

One day Anthony asked God,
“Why do some die young while others drag on to old age?
Why are some rich and others poor?
Why do the wicked prosper and the just have nothing?

Then He heard a voice say to him,
“Keep your attention on yourself!
These things happen according to the Will of God and it is not yours to know why.

Just as the fruits of the earth are not brought to perfection immediately but in time with rain and care;
So the fruits of Men ripen through ascetic practice, study, time,
Perseverance, self control and patience.”