Friday, January 27, 2023

4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Beatitudes 

The beatitudes are the GPS to Heaven. 

Those who follow their directions are sure to reach their destination 

The Kingdom of Heaven. 

The first road is Poor in Spirit Lane. 

Take that road because those who take the road to Possessions

are too loaded down to get anywhere. 

Then go a few miles until you get to Mournful Way. 

You will pass many things on this road from cemeteries to sadness, to loneliness and loss. 

The road may be difficult but you will find every tear you shed helps you see your way more clearly. 

Then tun on Meek Avenue. 

This is the road where the proud never go so there is not much traffic. 

Those who take this road are sure to get lost in life,

But they are meek and humble enough to ask the Lord and others to show them the way. 

Every trip requires a rest stop where you stop and get something to eat and drink. 

Take the exit to Holiness and Righteousness where you will get your fill to continue the journey.  

You will see many people broken down along the side of the road. 

Stop and be Merciful to them. 

For if not for the grace of God that could be you. 

You  are going to run into all kinds of weather along the way. 

Not just snow and rain;

Life is going to throw a lot of mud and manure at you too. 

Don’t let it stick to you. 

keep your Heart clean and Pure. 

So you can see where you are going. 

And be at Peace. 

The road of Life to Heaven is full of chuck holes, detours, and breakdowns. 

Do not worry 

Be at Peace at all times with those in the car with you and with those on the road. 

Peace always prevents accidents. 

And when people curse at you along the way and try to Run you off the road. 

And try and tell you that you are going the wrong way;

Just smile and Be glad. 

It only makes you a better and more patient spiritual driver. 

Which is sure to get you to your destination. 

The road trip to Heaven starts here at Mass.


fill up your spiritual tank

With the Body and Blood of Jesus

And listen to His directions in the Scriptures 

And your are sure to find your way home!

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