Monday, January 30, 2023

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Let Your Light Shine Mt. 5:13-16

Light is not something that we hear

Rather Light something we see. 

It is by our good deeds therefore

And not by our words. 

That our light will shine. 

Immediately after Jesus preaches the Beatitudes,

He tells us to let our GOOD DEEDS and not our words be a light shine for others to see. 

The Beatitudes are the Light that Jesus is talking about

That we must put them into practice for others to see. 

We must Be Poor in Spirit. 

So that others see that we are not attached to material things but that our hearts greatest desire is for the Kingdom of Heaven. 

We must be Mournful. 

So that others can see that this world and its pleasures are passing away. 

We must Be Meek

So that others can see that we are not full of ourselves but full of God. 

We must Be hungry for Holiness and Righteousness,

So that others can see this world will never satisfy their hungers. 

We must Be Merciful,

So that others can see how to forgive. 

We must Be Pure of Heart,

So that others can see what true love is. 

We must be Peacemakers

So that others can see that war is not the answer. 

We must Be persecuted 

So that others can see we are different from this world. 

The Beatitudes are the Light that Jesus is talking about that must shine for others to see.  

St. Francis of Assisi was a Light whose life spoke for itself. 

That enlightened others and gave glory to God.  

Not by what he said,

But by what he did. 

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