Tuesday, January 17, 2023

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time


Rivalries. 1Cor. 1:10-17

There are many different kinds of rivalries.
Their are rivalries in sports; In politics; In Religion;
Between cities and countries.

Some rivalries can be good as they challenge us
To be better; To strive higher.

But then some rivalries can become Bitter and destructive.

St. Paul had to write a letter to the Corinthians about Rivalries gone bad.
The Church in Corinth had become divided.
Some people followed Pau while others followed Cephas and still others followed Apollos.

They had lost sight of Christ!
This was around the year 53 A.D.

After 2,000 yrs. nothing has changed.
Rivalries have gotten even worse.
In politics and in religion.

Republican president Ronald Reagan and Democrat Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill were Polar opposites politically–
yet they did not allow that to define their relationship.

One time Reagan confronted O’Neill about some nasty things said in the newspaper, and O’Neil replied with: “That’s just politics, after 6 o’clock we’re buddies–we’re friends.”

And that’s exactly what they were–frequently going out after work and simply having a beer together.

After Ronald Reagan was shot, the first person to come and visit him was Tip O’Neill.

Reagan took it, that when things would get a little heated in some of their meetings, he would visibly set his watch to 6 o’clock, as a reminder of their true identity in friendship.

Republicans and Democrats
Protestants and Catholics;
Minonk, Toluca, Wenona and Lostant;
Even divisions between Catholics as to who is a real Catholic
And what one should believe and how one should practice the Fatih.

These rivalries and debates are to be expected.
But we can never allow them to divide to the point of war!

Ronald Regan and Tip O’Neil had 6 o’clock and beer to remind them that they were friends.

We have the Mass!
At every Mass, we lay aside all division and rivalry
And we gather as friends in Christ.
And when we can no longer do that.

Then we can no longer call ourselves Christian!

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