Saturday, August 24, 2024

21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

 Tough Choices 

Joshua had gathered all the people together. 

They had just crossed the Jordan into the land of the Amorites. 

And he wanted to know if they were going to continue to follow the Lord or the gods of the Amorites. 

The choice was a difficult one. 

If they followed the gods of the Amorites in whose country they now found themselves;

They probably would get good jobs;

Property and social standing right away. 

If they they followed the Lord,

Things might be more difficult. 

So they had a choice to make. 

Many people thought that what Jesus said was difficult and hard to understand. 

Deny yourself; take up your cross;

Eat His Body and drink His Blood;

They too had choices to make. 

And some chose to walk away. 

But Peter did not. 

He said, “where can we go?”

You have the words of everlasting life!”

There are those even today who walk away from Jesus. 

But where are they going?

Is there life any better?

There are choices and then there are CHOICES

Just ask Adam and Eve who had to choose whether or not to eat the apple. 

Or David who had to choose whether or not to fight Goliath. 

Or James and John who had to choose whether or not to abandon their nets and follow Jesus. 

The toughest choices are the most important ones. 

They define who we are and

What we will become. 

It is the choices we make today

That prepare us not only for tomorrow 

But for all Eternity. 

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