Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday 19th week of Ordinary Time

The Glory of the Lord Ez. 1:2-28

To give glory to something is to give it credit for what it is or has done. 

When we give glory to an athlete, we give credit to that athlete for what they have done. 

Or when we give glory to a scientist, we give that person credit for what they have discovered. 

Should not God be given ALL the glory for all that God has done?

Creating the heavens and earth. 

The seas and the mountains. 

Animals and birds

And even us!

The prophet Ezekiel had a vision of God surrounded by light and heavenly angels and creatures giving God glory for all that He had done and Who He is. 

Do we give God glory or do we glorify ourselves and take the credit?

Even though all that we are and do comes from God!

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