Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday 19th Week of Ordinary Time

 The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Body and Soul into Heaven

As early as the 6th century Christians have been celebrating the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Body and Soul into heaven. 

This is not really too hard to believe 

since Jesus PROMISED that He would raise up,

Body and Soul all who believe in Him. Jn. 6:40

And why not begin with Mary?

Would you not raise up your own mother?

And who has shown more Faith than Mary?

She whom the Holy Spirit overshadowed Lk.  1:35

She who said "Yes" to God's request to bear His Son. Lk. 1:38

She whom, Elizabeth called "Mother of her Lord" and the "one who trusted in God. Lk. 14:3-45. 

She who gave birth to Jesus. Lk. 2:7

She who nurtured Him and raised Him for 30 years. Lk. 2:51

She to whom even Jesus was obedient. Lk. 2:51

She who believed Jesus could turn water into wine. Jn. 2:5

And she who stood by His cross when all of His disciples fled. Jn. 19:25

The Feast of the Assumption is a reminder that.....

Jesus keeps His promises!!

 His Promise to raise up all who believe in Him, Body and Soul. 

And no one believed in Him more than Mary;

And now we know that He will keep His promises to raise us up as well. 

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