Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday 21st week of Ordinary Time

The Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist

Herod was attracted to John,

Much like a moth to a flame.  

But at the same time he rejected John,

Because he did not want to hear the Truth;

The Truth that he cannot marry his brother’s wife.

And eventually Herod silenced the Truth,

By having John beheaded. 

Or so he thought. 

The life and message of St. John the Baptist lives on,

While Herod fades away. 

This is how it is with Truth. 

People are attracted to it.

But often reject it because it convicts them of the falsehood of their opinions and desires. 

Jesus was crucified by public opinion as the crowd cried crucify him crucify him.

Truth is Always being crucified on the altar of public opinion. 

If the polls say it’s true then it must be true.

We may be Put on trial in the court of public opinion as was Jesus and Saint John the Baptist.

And Like Jesus and Saint John the Baptist,

We too may be crucified in one form or another,  for holding onto the Truth. 

But it is better to die a martyr for the Truth live as a slave to Public opinion. 

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